I'm sorry

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               Alice's pov
  As we stood there at the door, drew looking at us. IT was pretty awkward.
  "So drew do u wanna come on?" Alex said breaking the silence.
"Yeah sure I guess?!" He said in confusion.
"Drew umm...Alice makes really good covers and remixes... if u wanna listen to one?" He asked
  " yeha sure can I Alice?" Drew sad looking at me.
" yeah go ahead." I replied.
  Alex took drew to my room, and I stayed down stairs.
          Drew's POV
Alex opened the door and walked over to her set up. He pushed a button and good intentions came one. I put on earphone on and listen to it. I looked on her computer and she made a new one. I pressed on it then break up every night came on. There was pain in her voice. I feel so horrible, that is what I came for to apologize to her. But Alex keeps on getting in my way. After Alice and I started dating we all became closer.
    I went down stairs to find Alice on her phone posting tweets.
  Hey, I was doing just fine before I met u. You change my world, you aren't just any other guy. Your special I miss you plz come back😕😭 @someone special @alice_7890
    I walked upstairs quietly and locked myself in a bathroom. I had tears in my eyes and made them burn. I should of believed her. I got my phone out of my pocket and tweeted back.
    I miss you to! I am so so so sorry for what happened. I should of believed her. Plz take me back@alice_7890
     I got out of the bathroom to see Alice and Alex in the room looking at other Song to make a remix. I saw if se had her phone. She didn't. I walked downstairs and layed down on the couch. Eventually fell asleep. I heard Alex leave but I didn't go with him.

  I felt a cold hand touch my hair, I woke up and yelled.
" hey don't worry it's me." Alice whispered
" I was wondering if u wanna go sleep with me?" She asked me
" yeah sure!" I smiled
I got up and walked to her room layed down on her bed and fell asleep

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