29.) wedding

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                   Alice's POV
                * 7 years later*
    Shawn and I have been together. I really love him so so much. At this time it was fall the leafs crunched as I stepped in them.
       "It's so pretty out here."  I said looking out at the whole football field covered his orange/ brownish leaves." Shawn put if arm around my waist then he stopped me. He got on one knee.
       "Alice, your so amazing. Theses past years have been the greatest. I love you so so much everyday I tell myself. Your killing me, the way you smile, your perfect is every way. I want to spend my life with you. I wanna have kids with you. So I just need you to answer this question. Alice will you marry me?" Shawn said pulling a box out of his jacket.
     A bunch of people started to come up to us, even our fans. "Yes." I said he got up and kissed me then we hugged. He carefully got the ring out of the box and put it on my finger. "She said yes!" Shawn said jumping. I laughed.
              *2 months later*
                 Shawn's POV
  Today, is the wedding day. I am so excited to call her mrs. Mendes. Drew and Lucy came to our wedding. They have 2 kids about to have another one and they got married.
   We all stood at our places and waited. The music started playing. Everyone in the crowd got up. Then I saw my beautiful wife. She looked so beautiful.
     She arrived to where I saw then smiled. "Shawn do you take this beautiful young woman to be your wife ." The pastor said. "I do." She had the biggest smile on her face. "Alice do you take this handsome man to be your husband."
        "I do." Those words that escaped her mouth made the the luckiest man on earth. "I gladly now pernouse (sorry couldn't spell) mrs. And mr. Mendes you may now kiss the bride. I kissed her then we looked in each other's eyes.
          The after party was amazing. We danced, I even sang a song I wrote of her. Our song we danced was The Night We Met. I saw her get up from her seat and take a glass. "Wait may I get everyone's attention." She said with a smile.
                Alice's POV
    "Thank you everyone for coming here today. I am very excited and happy to be called Mrs. Mendes now. I am so happy to be married to the man I love. And I have a little surprise for everyone. I AM PREGNANT!" I said.
    I looked at Shawn and he looked so cute. "Wait your really pregnant??!!" He said excitedly. I nodded. "OMg I am gonna be a dad!!" He yelled. Everyone clapped then sat back down. "But here is the twist I am gonna have twins a boy and a girl". I looked t Shawn again.
      "Can today get any better!" He said kissing me. "I don't know can it ." I smiled.
       The day was over we were all happy.
        "Shawn I love you." I said kissing him. "I love you to."

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