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Drew's POV
A few weeks later Alice woke up. "So are you feeling better!" I asked her while driving to her house. She nodded then looked outside the window. I don't know what's up with her ever since she bout out of the hospital she been depressed. 20 mins later we got to her house."were here." I said tapping her shoulder.
Alice POV
*ring ring*
"Hello?" I said in my sleepily voice. "Alice?!?!?!" I head the person say from the other line "okay who is this." I said again." Shawn your best friend." He said laughing."OMG Shawn I missed you!!" I said "I do to but guess what?!" He said laughing again."yeah."I said nervously.
"I am coming to see you in l.A and I have a show there." He said screaming with joy. "OMG SHAWN WHEN." I said
"Tomorrow!"is it okay if I stay with you". He asked."yeha you can."
"Well you see you tomorrow." He said."byyeee." I screamed and got out of the car."bye drew call you later." I said running. I am so happy right now. I got into my bed and check instagram. I scroll down and see a pic of drew kissing. I feel tear run down my face.
Has drew been cheating on me. I cried my self to sleep. I woke up that morning with 20 miss calls from drew and 2 text from Shawn.
From Shawnie Boi🇨🇦❤️😂: hey plan landing in 3 hours.
From shawnie Boi🇨🇦❤️: 2 hours.
To shawnie Boi🇨🇦❤️: hey sorry was still sleeping be there asap.
I got up brushed my teeth and hair, then changed. I drove to the airport. I got to his gate a waited.
Some fan took pics with me but I didnt mind. Then I see Shawn with his bag. I run up to him and hugged him. Most of the people we like aww. Some of them where shook."I missed you so much." I said while he picked me up and hugged me."I did to."he responded. But then paparazzi took pics of Shawn while he picked me up and hugged me.
We both walked back to the car and talked. "So are you coming to my show in L.A?" He asked with a smile. I looked at him."I don't know yet I don't have tickets." I told him when his smile turned into a frown."well do know you that I can give you front row tickets, meet and greet, and q and a's ." He said wit a smirk. "Really Shawn you would do that." I said. "Yeah any for my girlfriend." He said then blushed. "I meant best friend." He said blushing again.
We got to my house and talked what happened with me and drew.

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