27.) red carpet

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               Alice's POV
   It's the time of year again where they make people vote for their favorite artist. But here is the twist the teen are voting. I woke up early in the morning looking at my phone then got a text from teen choice award.
      Tca- you heave been selected for best instagram model, best girl singer, best song of the year, and most shipped name. I got out of bed then walked into my bathroom. I put on a romper then woke up Shawn.
          "Shawn, wake up come on." I said tapping on his phone. He got most shipped name to and some more. He groaned then turned on to his side. "Shawnie you go picked for teen choice awards." I said then kissed his cheek.
        "Well your up early?!" He said stretching. "Yeah I am gonna go to the mall wanna come with me?" I asked squeezing his arm. He nodded then got out of bed. When he was done we headed for the mall.
      "So what are you gonna wear?" I asked Shawn as he held his hand out. "A suit and tie should we be matching?" He asked then looked at all the awards he was voted to. We entered into a store where they had both suits and dresses.
      I picked out this rose gold dress with lace it was so pretty. Shawn and I both got out me with the dress and him with he suit. "Not bad mendes." I said looking at him up and down. We bought out clothes and headed home.
        "FOOD." I said as I took a big bite out of my salad. Shawn laughed then got a water bottle. "So when do they start." He asked sipping water. "Like at 7:30 I am getting ready soon after I am done it 5:00." I said eating the last of my salad.
     *skip getting ready*
    As I walked out of my room Shawn's eyes grew. "Well hello gorgeous!" He said grabbing my hand as we walked into the limo. There were a lot of famous people I wanted I fan girl so bad but I kept it in.
"Come on." Shawn said pulling on to the carpet where they took pictures. "Well that was stressful I didn't even know where to look." I said laughing playing with my fingers. Then a reporter from the awards came up to me and Shawn.
"And we are here today with Shawn and Alice." He said as me and Shawn both smiled. "So how have you guys been." He asked.
"Pretty good." We both said. The reporter looked at my dress then at Shawn's tie." I see you both are matching!" He said eight a smirk. I laughed then talk to the reporter a little more.
We found our seats then sat down. I saw next to Ethan Dolan and Shawn was next to the cast of stranger things. "Hello and welcome to the tcas." A man said then people screamed. Shawn squeezed my hand then kissed my cheek. "So out first catagory is best famale model."
Gigi hadid
Bella Hadid
Alice heart
Kendall Jenner
"And put winner is... Alice heart!!" They yelled into the mic. I got up from my seat then got the award . "Oh wow this is really exciting, um thank you guys so much, this is my first award, but again thank you all so much for voting." I said then walked off of stage I put my award in a locker with my name. Then went to go sit back down with Shawn.
"Come with me." Shawn said grabbing my hand. I followed him in a room where there was instruments and 2 mics. "We are gonna sing but we are gonna release out relationship after." He said as I nodded.
They took us out in stage then people started to cheer and scream. Then in the crowd I saw Drew with his girlfriend. I rolled my eyes then consetrated on Shawn. We started to sing treat you better.
S -I won't lie to you, cause he just not right for you, you can tell me that I am off but I see it in your face that he's the one that you want-and your spending all this on this wrong situation and anytime you want it to stop-
Me- cause I know I can treat you better than he can, and any girl like you deserves a gentleman- tell why are we wasting time, on all your crying, when you should be with me instead, cause I know I can treat you better than he can-
S-I'll stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me too, I just wanna give you the loving that your missing, baby, just I wake up with you, would be everything I need and this could be so different, tell me what you want to do-
S&M- cause I know I can treat you better than he can, and any girl like you deserve a gentleman, tell me why are we wasting time, on all your crying, when you should be with me instead, I know I can treat you better than he can (x2)
Me- give me a sign, take my hand, we'll be fine, promise I won't let you down, just know what you don't have to do this alone promise I'll never let you down-
S- (I know I can treat you better than he can) (x3), promise I'll never let you down-
S&M- cause I know I can treat you better than he can, and any girl like you deserve a gentleman, tell me why are we waisting time, on all your wasted crying, when you should be with me instead, I know I can treat you better, better than he can (x5)
When we were done everyone clapped then Shawn it a mic and went down on one knee. "Alice your the most prettiest, funniest, smartest girl u have ever met in my whole life, you always make my day and I hate to see you when your sad. Know I just wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend." Shawn said holding out a promise ring. Everyone in the crowd awed. "Yes!" I said the Shawn got up and hugged me the picked me up from the ground. I alighted then saw a woman come from the side
"And this is why you guys got picked as most shipped couple I am so happy for you guys." She said as she handed me the reward. "Thank you." I said then rested my head on Shawn's shoulder. Over all Shawn and I both won 5 rewards and 1 together. I was so much fun. I played around with u promise ring on the way to the house.
When we got there we both went to bed.

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