you again

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Alices pov

After, coffee sky took me home, her and i live in big houses.

"well thxs for the ride.'' i said getting off the car.

"welcome.'' she said as i closed the car and she drove away.

I got inside went up to my room, took my shoes off then went to my dj booth. I turned on the song Let You Go by the chainsmokers then started to make a remix and sang. I recorded what i was playing. After i finishes i got up they plopped on my bed. " hey nice playing." said a strange voices coming from outside.

'' and you are?'' i said back.

when i saw him there was a filiamr tone to him. then it hit me.

" hey arent u the guy that i had an akeward moment with at StarBucks?'' i asked holding my laugh.

" yup i am andrew but u can all be drew." he said looking at me though the window.

" wanna hangout outside?'' he asked

" yeah sure." i said closing the window and walking outside.

i got my phone out then went on my instagram for my remixes. OMMGGG i had more that 100k following me then a check mark went next to my name.

"so?" i looked up and stared at him seeing who he is. He looked like someone i knew.

" wait arent u?" i said as he cut me off

" yes i am one of the chainsmokers drew" he said looking at me in the eyes again

i laughed" plz dont do this to me again'' i said

" oh i am sorry its just cause your eyes are so beautiful." he said not taking his eyes off of me.

"oh thxs!" i said blushing

we sat there talking for a while, then i showed him one of my remixes which was Let You Go. He looked at me the his eyes widen.

" i cant beleive a girl like u can do that not trying to be rude to girls or anything but this is amazing, I think u should make songs with me and Alex !" he said then his phone rang.

"oh sorry got to go its my girlfriend." he said picking his phone up

"oh well bye'' i said

i walked inside then a few couple of mins past when i stared to hear yelling. i got my notebook and a sharpie. and sat next to the window thank god that we live next to each other.

To drew( they are gonna be writting on paper);

Is you okay?

He looked at me the shut is window covers.

To drew; :c

i woke up the next day with a massive headache. It went away a couple of mins ago. I got up and started to get ready to go to the mall. I went down stairs to find a note.

Hey honey we are going to a weekend trip sorry i didnt tell you. The keys are right there if u need them. Be safe- mom and dad

i got into the tesla we had, and drove to the mall. I got out of the car and went to forever 21. After getting a couple of goodies i went into lush. Then i felt a light tap on my shoulder.

" oh hi drew." i said looking at the bath bombs.

" i am sorry i shuted you out like that yesterday ." he said quickly

" but we gotta run." he said taking my hand. we ran as fast as possible. we got to my car then got in.

" what was that about!?" i said running out of breath

"fans." he replied

"so i am sorry about what happened yesterday its cause my girl.'" he said but i cut him off my kissing him

" my girlfriend broke up with me." he finshed

"oh i am so so so so sorry about that" i said blushing

"no its okay i liked it." he said putting his hand in his hair.

I drove back to my house we both got out.

" well thanks for the ride" he said smiling. he went to go hug me then we stood there for a few mintues hugging. we both walked to our houses. i went to my room and then started to play my piano. I started to play Faded by Alan Walker. Then finished got up and layed on my bed.
" mm impressive!" I heard drew say.
" wow thxs, now u finally got someone famous to notice me!" I said as Iaughted.
" so do u have any plans tomorrow?" He said as he got his phone out.
    From drew: so do you
    To drew : nope I honestly never have plans!!!!!
    From drew: okay good, do u wanna go to the studio with me and Alex to go write a song?
    'Added Alex to the chat'
    From Alex: wasssup!!! Drew u free tomorrow?
   To Alex from drew: nope gonna probably do something
  From Alice to drew: yeha I can go.
   To Alice from drew: okay good be ready at 3:30
  To drew from Alice: okay
   From Alex: oooo drew have a new girl.
From drew to Alex: no she is just a really 'close friend'.
   To drew from alex: close huh?!
   To Alex from drew: no dude you have to hear one of her remixes. They are so amazing
To drew from Alex: I bet they are okay so at the studio at 3:30 right?!
  To Alex from drew: yeah
To drew from Alex: okay man we'll see ya

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