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after he met my parents we would be going to a tour party that they dont know about."drew, my parents are here." i said. He nodded we walked down stairs my dad looked me. HE shaked his head.

"hi mom and dad this is Drew my boyfriend."i said hugging my mom and dad.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. heart." He said shaking my mom he went to my dad but my dad didnt shake.

"So Drew how did you met Alice?"my mom asked

"We met at a coffee place my eyes met her's" He said holding my hand and looking at me in the eye's. My dad coughed which made us stop holding hands.

"Alice honey can i talk to you?" my dad asked

"yeah sure." i got up and walked in an other room.

"I dont like Drew." my dad said

"what, why he is a pretty nice guy." i said

"Honey he is gonna use you don't you see." he repiled

" Dad NO HE ISN'T he is a nice guy.'' i said almost yelling at my dad. I knew they can hear us in the other room. I walked out of the room went to Drew and whispered in his ear. He nodded and got up. We called alex to come down. I got my keys and left.

"what happened in there?" Drew asked hugging me.

"my dad doesn't like you." i sighed

" don't worry he will eventually" he said smiling

"okay guys were gonna go somewhere to eat." i said

"okay." they both said

We got to the place."here put these on." i said handing them blind folds.

"why." Alex asked

"just do it after you get out of the car." i said

we got out they put their blind folds on and took my hands. "almost there." i said

i saw their manager told him to go. "okay guys take them off." i said. They took them off and their mouths dropped wide.

"surprise." everyone yelled. they both looked at me then hugged me.

"what didnt do this." i said

"OMG WERE GOING ON TOUR>!!!!'' they both yelled

"and guess what?" i said

" I AM GOING TOOO I MADE IT!!!!" i yelled with them. They both went and hugged me. In the corner of my eye i saw haley and tori looking at me. We all said our congrats and left.

"so we are leaving this friday, first stop paris baby." i said

*skip monday to thursday*

"bye mom and dad" i said hugging them

"bye honey be safe" my mom said

"i will" i walked out the door. went on instagram and posted a pic of myself.

@AliceHeart_____ Tour Time!!! Bout to go to paris. make sure to get your tickets!!

@drewtaggart @Alexpall MDNO

I walked out and drove to the air port. I found Drew and Alex. Later we found Tori and Haley

"Hi babe!!" i said hugging drew

"hii i missed you." he said kissing me

Later we got on the jet and flew to Paris. We both fell asleep cuddling.

"I love you and i always will i will never replace you." Drew whispered. when he said that i moved closer to him and slept. The plane arrived at Paris. We got off and headed to the hotel. Drew, alex, and i shared a room. Later that night we got pizza and went back to the hotel. I was excited and nervous for my first concert.

"babe?'' i asked drew

"yeah whats wrong." he asked

" i am nervous i am preforming for the first time." i expland

"dont worry you will do great" he said hugging me. WE both fell asleep

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