The truth

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              Drews POV
Okay okay today is the day.
" hey can I tell I something?" I told Alice.
" yeah." She nodded
  "Okay so I know how
That I am famous, everyone has a fake girlfriend, I had one, but she isn't the real one , I want u to be my real one?" I told her as worried as possible
" hey don't worry I understand, and plus if I was famous I would want nick Jonas to be my fake boyfriend!!" She laughed and I hit her arm and laughed.
Later on we both fell asleep watching sinister. Then all of a sudden Alice's phone went off.
She woke up and answered it.
" hey I have to go." She whispered to me.
" okay talk to u later then." I replied
Alice's POV
I was waking back home. I couldn't hold the tears back. My grandma died. I got home and my family was looking at me. As the tears came out my mom went up to hug me.
"Sh it's okay everything will be okay."
I ran up stairs and locked myself in my room. Listening to chainsmokers song, I fell asleep.
I at least had 5 miss calls form drew. And surprisingly 2 text from Alex? I decided to open Alex's text first.
From Alex: hey this is Alice right?
To Alex: yeah. Wassup what happened?
From Alex: okay, I was wondering if u wanted to help write a new song with me and drew?
To Alex: yeah. Sure that would be great!
From Alex: okay then see u at 2:00. Drew and I will be picking u up.
To Alex: okay then see ya!

I was 12:30 I had plenty of time to get ready. I jumped in the shower. The nice warm water felt good against my skin. I got out wrapped a towel around me, and went to my room. I got a gray crop top and marron ripped shorts and I put on marron converse. I curled my hair. I put on for make up my usual. My skin is perfect so I not need foundation. I put on red lip stick and mascara. By the time I finished it was 2:25. I waited down stairs. Then I got a message from Alex
From Alex :we're here!
To Alex:okay coming outside
I opened the door and closed it.i can tell that the were both looking at me.
Drews POV
I was completely speechless. She looked so beautiful . I am going to ask her today.
Alex's POV
She looked so amazing. Sadly I had a girlfriend. But I knew that drew was going to ask her out maybe she is going to say no or yes. Hopefully she says no so I can break up with my girl so I can go with Alice. But that would be messed up. Idk anymore
Alice's POV
From drew: dang, u look beautiful 😍
To drew: thank u 😄
From drew: can I ask u something?😅
To drew: yeah sure so what happened?
From drew: I was going to ask u if u wanted to be my .......
And then when he texted me my phone had to die.
"Noooooooloooooooooooo!" I laughed
"What happened?" The both asked quickly
" my phone died!" I laughed
and they did to
Maybe now I will never know what drew was going to ask me. Later on we got to the studio. I found an outlet to charge my phone.
" okay so, what do u guy do when u first wrote a song?" I ask
" okay we first think do we want to the song be sad or happy."
( okay just pretend they didn't make this song, they are just coming up with it)
I pulled out a notebook. I opened to the first page and shows them , the lyrics I had done there.
" Alice this is a amazing song!" They both say
" Thxs!" I replied but blushing
We went to the place where they come up with the rhythm. It sounded perfect.
" Alice do u think u wanted to sing this song?" Drew asked me
" yeah sure I would love to!" I told him
I started singing
Now I have cars. Now I have clothes. Now I have money. Now I have crowed screaming my name saying they love me. But at night when I close my eyes the quiet scares me.
Will u be there in the morning. When the magics gone, gone oh! Will you be there my morning or will I wake up alone.
I don't need cars. I don't need clothes ,forget that money. I don't need crowds screaming my name saying they love me .Will u be there in the morning when the magics gone, gone oh! Will you be there in the morning. Or will I wake up alone. Wake up alone
I finished the song and I can see Alex's and drews mouths dropped.
" that was amazing!!!" The both said
" now that we have a new song shouldn't be go celebrate. We went to go eat at in and out. After that we went back to the studio. There the had a place where after they finished they watched movies and hanged out. I got my phone and I saw girlfriend. I opened the message.
From drew: Alice heart will u be my girlfriend?!
I looked at drew, he looked back and smiled.
To drew: hey I would not like to be your girlfriend.
I looked at him again and the smile he had turned into a frown.
To drew: I would love to be your girlfriend.
He looked at me and smiled.
After that we watched sinister 2. I had my head on drew leg and Alex and laying on the couch on his phone.
I took a cute pic of me and drew cuddling and posted it on instagram.
He with my new love. I love u so much.❤️❤️😅😍😘
I soon fell asleep. I woke up next morning on a inflatable bed with drew's  arm hugging me. I kissed him on the cheek.
" good morning!" I told him
" hi" he said as he woke up.
I saw Alex on the couch still sleeping. Drew took me back home. " thanks babe for the ride!"
" no problem" he said back
" don't worry I am going to get me driver licenses soon." I told him a smiled
" okay then after that I will have a suprise for you!"
" okay I can't wait." I kissed him in the cheek one more time and went back inside.
I showered and put on legging s and a white shirt.
I got a call from the diver test teacher.
" hello is this Alice heart, we just wanted to tell u that ur test will be at 3:30."
" okay thank u I will be there." I replied
*after the test*
I was so so happy I got my license. Well my birthday did pass but I don't like making a big deal about it.
To drew: I got my license
Form drew: yay babe I have a surprise for u then.
To drew: ohh I can't wait
Form drew: I will pick u up on 30 mins
To drew: okay
He picked me up and put a blindfold on me. And walked me to the car. I got in.
" so what's the blindfold for?" I asked
" the suprise!"
" okay then!" I told him
Later we got there and he took the blindfold off. Lead me
to a big room with Alex. What I saw was amazing.
" surprise!" They both said
" omg omg omg omg thank u guys so much" I hugged them both
I got a new tesla. It was white with black seats. I got in and said " who ready for a ride?"
They both got in the car. We went to the beach. I was such an amazing day. Alex told me if I can drop him off at his house. I did. His house was so big. " well u guys later."
" bye Alex thank u for the car!" I yelled at him
" no problem!" He yelled back
" so where now it's just u and me?"I asked him
" wanna go over to my house and watching a movie?" He asked me
" yeah sure!" I drove to his house and stopped to get some snackes. His house was huge too. There was a chandelier. We went inside his house. " my parents and my brother went out of dinner." He told me
" okay that's fine." I told him
Then a big cute back dog came running form the kitchen. He jumped on drew and he laughed. " oh yeah sorry okay, Alice meet Louis."
" awe hi Louis!" He smelled my hand and jumped all over me. I laughed then drew looked at me.
" what?" I said laughing
" it's just that ur so beautiful!" He said
I tired so hard not to blush.
I went I his living room and watched a movie. Louis was with us on the couch. I fell asleep and drew carried me to his bed. Next morning I woke up next to a famous singer and a cute dog. I was happy. I got up slowly got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make chocolate chip pancakes. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs and it was drew. " hi morning!" I said
" hi I smell something good" he smiles and the goes next to me.
" what u making?" He asked
" chocolate chip pancakes!" I ask
" yum my favorite!" He said
I finished making them and got 2 plates and gave him pancakes.
" hey how come ur parents didn't come home?" I asked him
"Oh they texted me they were going to Arizona this weekend!" He said
" oh"
We both ate our pancakes and got ready. I went to the car to get a bag with my clothes and stuff.
I went into his bathroom and showed. I put on my clothes. Threw my hair into a bun and did my makeup. Later that day we went to the beach and u couldn't believe what happened.

Hola guys this has to be the longest chapter I ever wrote. Well I hope I guys like it. Sorry I haven't been posting too much. I am with my dad and no wifi. So I write them with him and I post them when I have wifi

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