mr. steal your girl?!

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alice's pov

i was so happy that the docter let me go, i looked at my stitches touched them and flinched in pain. " alice can u go upstairs and get my jacket!!'' drew told alice.

"yeah i'll be right back.'' i told him as i kissed his cheek. i waled up the stairs and into the room. Meanwhile i was there i decied to change into something else. I got a marron ripped shorts, black crop top, and lastly white convers. I fixed my makeup too.

drews pov

"shawn come in hurry." i whispered

"coming,so drew taggart has a girl friend!" he said smirking at me

"is she cute?" he asked me

" cute?!, she is adorable." i told him

"I am coming drew okay!" she yelled from upstairs

she ran downstairs like she thought something was casing her. She ran the last corner looking down at the steps. when she got to the last step she looked up and screamed. She covered her mouth with her hands and walked towards me. "HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!???" she said almost yelling.

" i have my ways!" i said smiling. i leaned in and kissed her .

" awe, guys i cant get a hug?" shawn said whinning. she pulled back and went to go hug shawn. This time is as a different hug. But i didnt mind. Then he whispered something in her ear.

alices's pov

I can't believe Shawn just asked me out. After, we both pulled away from the hug Shawn slid a pieice of paper into my hand. I looked at it and it said CALL ME- shawn. i got the paper a ripped it into bits. after that i went upstairs and pug on leggings. "Alice?" Drew called me

"yeah? what is it" i said back. i ran down the stairs to find drew holding the paper together.

"what is this?" he asked nervously

" it's shawn's number." i said scared back

"did you ask for it?" he said

"no why would i." i said holding his hand. He took his hand away from mine, took his jacket and left.

Wassup guys hope you guys enjoyed his chapter. What will happen to drew and alice. Leave a comment and make a ship name for them

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