The one

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Drews POV
UGH I wanna ask out Alice so bad but to be honest I think she likes Alex. I walked out of room to go get water then once back.
Alex's POV
" can u get me a water plz drew?" I asked
"No u can go it yourself!" He said as he laughed
Alice POV
When Alex left the room drew asked me if I liked Alex. I told him no them when I did he leaned in closer them out his lips on mine. Then Alex came in.
" what the heck drew u know what I like her!" Alex yelled at drew.
" no u don't I did from the first time I made eye contact with her, I knew she was then one." When drew said this is eyes soften. And mines did to.
"Looks guys to don't want to get I this but I am gonna go know?" I said going to the door.
" wait Alice u have to pick one of us?" They both said
" can I plz do this later?" I begged the
"I will DM the chat and tell u?" Okay
I walked out and got in the tesla. To be honest i didnt know what Drew liked me, then me and alex just met. I arrived to my house and ran inside. I can tell that Drew was home, hos window was open. I walked to my room and sat next to my both, then sang. i Dont know where i get these idea from.


"Hello who is this?" i asked

" oh hello is this Alice heart?" she asked as i put her on speaker.

"yes that is me." i said

"okay then we will like to inform you that Mr. Alan walker asked me to call you." the woman said

"ookay"i said as i almost screamed.

"he will like to know if you would like to write a song with him." he asked again

"mmm, okay then where and what time." i asked so fast i bet she didnt understand what i was saying.

" Okay, you two will met and his house at 2:30 P.M. and you may bring one guest." the woman said

"okay thank you." i said as i hung up. when i did, I screamed so loud it sounded like i was getting killed. I got on my bed and watched netflix then fell asleep. I woke up to Young being played on a speaker outside my window. I got up rubbed my eyes and walked over to the window. There i saw drew holding a speaker lip syncing the words. I smiled then looked at him in the eye. I walked over to the mirror to see if i was good. I fixed my hair and put some lipstick on. I went outside in the front.

I walked towards drew then hugged him. " i dont care if you choose alex over me, i just want you to be happy." he said hugging me. then there i knew it drew was THE ONE for me.

" DREW i dont want alex i want you." i said back. i could see a smile on face. I went up and hugged him.

" Alice Heart would have the honor to be my girlfriend." he looked down at me.

" yes i would love to." and there i didnt know if it was a dream. We hugged the looked at each other in the eye. then kissed. I let go then told him everything about with alan walker. he agreed to go with me. I said bye to him then walked back inside. I walked up stairs then went to bed

OH NO will she have another guy falling for her. what will alex thing of her and drew. Will be freak out

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