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              Alice's POV
I am so happy she left. Now we don't have to deal with her and her aditude. After all of that happened me and drew went back to the hotel. We got Alex and tori. "Guys all you ready?" I said getting my bag.
     "Yeah who's driving?" I heard Alex say.
      "I will." I said back. We went to the car got in a drove in the fresh breeze of California.
      "We're here." I turned off the car and chuckled.
      "Wake up!" I yelled. When I did they both jumped.
      " I am up I am up." They both said at the same time. We all chuckled.
       " Alex." I said
        "Yeah what's up?" He said opening the door to a store.
       "Where is tori?" I asked
        "She left with Haley." He said smiling.
         "Oh?!" I replied.
         "OMG SHOES!!!" I screamed. I saw a pair that caught my eye. They were black heels with a red bottom.
        "Okay okay clam down I know you like shoes." I heard drew say. He saw me looking at the pair.
       " like those?" He said kissing my cheek.
       "Yeah I do." I replied.
    "Yes hello what can I get you?" A woman around her 20 said.
    "Yeah actually do you guys have that shoe in size 7?" I asked hoping they do.
      "Mm let me check." He said getting a notebook out.
     "In fact we do." He said looking at me.
     "Okay yay can I plz have those." I said looking at the clothes.
      "Okay I will be right back." She said walking into a room.
     "The fans are outside." Drew said pointing at the looked window door.
    "OMG that's a lot!" I said chucking.
     "Here you go." Te woman said
      " thank you!" I opened the box and they looked even better than the one on the stand. Black on the top with lace and the red on the bottom.
       " did you get anything drew?" Yeah I got a couple of pants, but we still gotta go to other stores." He said
    "Hey Alex!" I said
     "Hi." He replied
     "Find anything?" I asked
      "Yep." He said as we all headed to the cashier. I paid mine first.
       "Yeah that will be $100." The woman said.
        "Okay." I pulled out $100 dollars then a hand pushing mike hand back. I looked back and I saw drew with a grin on his face.
      " I will pay for them." He said getting his debit card.
      "No drew you always buy stuff for me." I frowned.
      "I know I do but I like to." He said smiling.
     " fine you can buy this but not the outfit I am gonna get, and also I am gonna buy you two lunch." I said whispering into his ear. Alex finished paying and we left. It took us a while to get through the crowd and the news reporters.
    " that was so stressful!" I said getting in the car.
    "That's the price of being famous." Alex said. We all laughed. We drove off to the others store. We all got out of the car. *buz buz* I heard my phone getting an up coming text message.
    Alan: hey babe
    Me: can u stop texting me and first of all I am not dating you so don't call me babe.
    I deleted his number off of my phone.
    *skip to concert*
   " I am not ready, what happens if I mess up?" I said nervously.
   "You will be fine." Alex said.
    " we do this all the time, yeah the first time was scary but fun." Drew said
    "Okay Kira just went guys we are almost on." Alex said
     "Roy YOu made it!!" Drew said.
      "Yep I am here, and who are you?" Roy said to me.
       "Hi I am Alice." I said smiling.
       "She is my girlfriend, she gonna be on the tour with us!" He said putting on arm around my waist.
       "Okay guys put your hands in." The manager said.
      "Okay 3,2,1." We all cheered.
      "Ready let's go." Drew said
     We all enter on stage in the bottom them jumped. I changed me shoes Into converse.
     "ARIZONA WHO IS READY TO GET CRAZY" Alex said. The whole crowd started going crazy.
    "Come on Alice help me dj while drew sings the first song." He said. I nodded then followed him.
        He handed me a pair of headphone then I started to play. I didn't mess up once. I was doing good. All of us jumped.
    Then roses came on. They all pointed at me to sing so I did.

Taking a sober isn't difficult. You already know cause my world so fly. His heart was as cold as my hands were. I turned him to gold and it took him higher. No I'll be your day dream i'all be your favorite thing. We can be beautiful. I will take you to paradise. Deep in my bones I can feel you take it back to the tile that we hide away.   
I finished singing and help to dj. I had to be the funniest time of my whole life. The concert was over. Time for the after party.
      "OMG Alice you did amazing." Roy said
     " drew you are lucky o have a girl like Alice." Roy told drew
     "I know I am. He said kissing my cheek.
      "After party time." Alex yelled.
         We went to party it was really fun. After it was all over we went back to the hotel.
   " I am so tired." I yawned
    "Me too." He said taking his shoes off. I changed into my pj and layed down on the bed. I fell asleep with the guy I love on the other side . It's just crazy how we met.  I

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