not you again.

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Alice's POV

We got to the beach like in 20 mins. We went into a couple of shops to look for bathing suits. No luck until we ran into this store it was all full of them. "jackpot!" Alex said. We all laughed and at that moment i found the perfect one. I went over to get it it was black it purple dots. I have lace. I got it walked over to drew and alex then showed them.

'' how about this one?" i asked both. when i did their eyes widen. I laughed then hit drew chest. We all walked over to the changing room then each of us got in one. After we finished changing.

"3,2,1 go!" we all said as we got out of the room. I looked at drew and Alex as they looked at them self. I walked over them and chuckled. " dang you guys workout a lot." i said sqeezing their muscles.

"Do you go to the gym?" Drew asked me. " mm not that much." i said

"seem like you go a lot." drew said as he was pointing at my six pack.

"does it looked good on me?" i asked looking at myself in the mirror.

"OMG yes!'' they both said fast

i went and payed for our things. As i walked outside i felt the nice beach brezze on my face.' Last on to the swings has to give 20." i said

"okay den." we all started running. I was first, Alex was second, and drew was last. I tripped and laied there laughing. Drew came and ploped himself on me. We looked in each other eyes and kissed. I smiled them pulled apart. 'dont worry i am fine and plus i have a girl friend." Alex said

we were at the beach for an hour or two. " drew your gonna have to met my dad today later." i told him.

"okay can alex come too?" he asked getting his sun glasses.

'Yeha sure." i smiled

We went home i told them they can take a shower at my place. We got home, yess they werent here yet. I ran upstairs and layed on my bed. " I am gonna go first." Alex said. He walked into the bathroom. It was just me and drew." do you think your dad will like me?'' he asked nervously.

"yeah i think so." i said. I got a text from someone.

From Alan: Hey great work today!!

To ALAN; yeah

From Alan: wanna go out on a date with me.

To Alan: no sorry i am taken

From alan: by who one of those dumb chainsmokers.

i left my phone on my bed still unlocked i got in when Alex came out.

drews POV

"dude i ot her phone'' i said

i went through her email then found a strange one.

Dear Alice Heart,

I will like to tell you that you will be the first prefromance for the chainsmoker's new tour. We will be leaving july 7. Just dont tell them.


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