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              Alice's POV
   That morning I woke up to message going crazy. I got my phone looked at the time, it wake 6:30 WHO COULD BE UP AT THIS TIME.
  " uhhh." I said groaning
   From Alex: hey want to know of u wanna hangout today!
  From Alex: so do you?
   To Alex: hey sorry just woke up and sorry but I can't.
    From Alex: why?
   To Alex: we can hangout another day oh and I am meeting up with Alan walker!
     From Alex: HELLO?!?! Who ever this is just to let you know Alex has a girl friend! Just keep your hands off of his okay. Thanks bye!
     To Alex: mmm okay then bye.
   I put my phone back on the floor then fell fast asleep. I woke up again it was about 10 ish. I got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth. Washed my face, and fixed my hair. I ran downstairs then heard yelling from next door. I ignored it then found a note.
       Hey honey, just wanted you to know what me and your father have gone on a cruise for a year, we came last night but you were asleep. Just be safe okay don't do anything I wouldn't do.
                  - love mom
    Yes gone for a year. I have freedom now. I ran back upstairs and got on my phone. When I was on Instagram I pressed on the pic of me and drew. I had more than 1k likes. I pressed on the comments and one said they are so cute together. Then another said are u guys dating. I put my phone down again and went to shower. I got my phone and Bluetooth speaker. I put on faded got in the shower, felt the nice warm water hit my skin. As the music played I got out, wrapped a towel around me and got out. I put in some clothes, dried my hair and curled it. I did my makeup really good. I honestly never new I could be this amazing at doing it.
       From drew: hey what time are you going again?
       To drew: at 3:30
      From drew: okay good it's only 2:00 have time okay then my babe. See ya later.
   Omg my idol just called me babe. Well no duh were dating. I do finished then waited. I got a call from Alex then answered it.
      (A- Alex(An-me)(oh and btw the are calling)
Me- hey wassup?!
Alex: hey
  Me- oh hold up I am getting another call
Alex- okay
I answered the other one. It's the lady that called me from Alan walker.
  " yes hello Alice, I will like you to know u may invite another person, and 3:30." He said
"Okay thank you!" I hanged up and went back to along to Alex
   Me: Alex get ready?!?!
    Alex: for what
   Me: we're gonna go see Alan walker
  Me: be here at my house by 3:00
   Alex- okay see ya
I got up then went to my piano and stared playing. The doorbell rang then I went down to get it.  I opened it and it was Alex. I went up to hug him and he hugged me. Drew was right behind him I smiled then hugged drew longer.
   " so you guys ready?" I asked
  " yep!" They both said
   " we are just both happy that u got a chance!" Drew said
   I looked at him then looked down. I walked into the kitchen to get some water.
      " anyone want water?" I said
     " sure." I heard Alex saying
     I saw drew waking in the kitchen.
   " drew can I tell you something?" I asked
   " yeah?" I looked worried
  " when you and me are around drew can we pretend we are just friends." I asked looking at the floor
   " actually yes what would be amazing. Cause I kinda feel bad for Alex." He said
   " yeah I do to. And another question will u ever bream my heart?" I asked looking him in the eye.
  " never in a million years, and if I hurt you I will hurt myself." He said
" no please drew don't say that z don't hurt yourself." I said.
  " I won't." Mine and his eyes soften. We both went in for a hug. Then let go. Now let's go. We both walked out with Alex and went into the car.


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