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Alices POV

i woke up on a cold december morning. I got up and looked out the window, i could see snow covering the driveway.

From; best half

hey girl wanna go get starbucks today?

to better half;

yeah sure

from better half; okay pick u up in 20

I rubbed my eyes from sun hitting me. I couldnt stop thinking about the dream i had, sadly it had to end. i walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. i put my hair up in a messy bun then walked out. I got a pair of leggings, well maybe 2 pairs. I put them on the got a marron jacket. I got a Cd from my desk them went downstairs.

" bye mom and dad gonna go get coffee with sky." i said getting an apple. okay, i was only 17 but that doesn't meean anything. i saw a car pull up on my driveway then walked outside.i got in.

"OMG HIII!!" i said hugging her.

" are u ready to go.'' she said as we started to buckle up. then, we drove off. we got to the Starbucks it was so packed in there and there was same black cars everywhere but we still went in. We saw a whole crowed of people just in one cornor. We walked up to the cashier then ordered our drinks. We got them and sat down.

" so how have u been?" sky asked me taking a sip from her coffee.

"its been good i guess how about you?" we looked at eachother then laughed

" dang it, i'll be right back." i said getting up

"okay." she said drinking her coffee

I went to go get sugar then felt a light push on my shoulder. I looked back and it was this guy he looked about my age. We looked each other in the eyes and smiled. I went to go sit back down then i saw the same guy. this time he was getting in one of those black cars. we met again eye to eye, but this time i looked away. then the car drove away

mmmmmm who is that guy. and i just came up with the idea to make it all bre like a dream the first few chapters

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