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                Alex's POV
     Saturday morning and both drew and Alice are fighting. To be honest I don't know what about. But it was getting really bad. I started to ease drop.
   " why won't you let me go." I heard Alice say
   "Cause you know what they did to you." He yelled at her
    " we both made up already I am gonna be fine!" She fought back.
      "No I am not letting you go end of story!" Drew yelled. Then I heard a door slam open then shut.  "Where are you go?!"drew said.
         "I am gonna go with my cousin, we both made up." She said crying. Later she took her keys and left the house. I was in shock. I didn't want to get involved into this. Then an angry drew came storming into my room.
       "Man I need got help." Drew says running his hands through his hair.
        "With what?"
    "Alice!" He said
     "And what's wrong with her?!"
     "Her cousin abused her but I guess they made up know, I am still not sure." He said almost in tears
     "Call her?"
    "Okay." He said walking into the other room.
           Drew's POV
     *ring* I called her and she quickly answered.
       "Alice babe plz come back." I said trying to convince her.
       "Drew... plz listen to me, me and him are okay now I promise." He said
      "NO." I yelled
      "Drew you can't tell me what to do." She yelled into the phone.
       "Yeah I can." I said
     "I-I-I!" i heard her scream then the called ended. I called back but no response.
     "A-Alex!" I yelled from my room. At this point I was in tears. Yes, I was in tears deal with it. Anyways Alex came in running.
     "What happened!!" He said looking at me.
    "A-Alice crash b-because of m-m-me." I said stuttering.
      "Oh god do u know where she was going." He asked
    "Yeha let's go find her.
     20 mins later. We found her car flipped over. I was speachless. I got out of the car and called 911. I got her out of the car and hugged her.
   "It's okay babe it's okay." I said to her.
    "Ambulance is gonna be here in 5." Alex said getting off off the phone.
     They got here and put her in a bed and took her away. IT was all my fault. We went to the hospital to go see her.

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