28.) friends

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Alice's POV
I have been getting calls from Drew a lot. But I finally had the guts to answer.
D: OMG okay good you answered.
A: huh?
D: that picture isn't real a fan hacked into my account and posted that.
A: drew... I don't know what to say right now but can we just be friends?
D: yes that would be amazing.
A: okay good thank you it's just cause I have been going through a lot.
D: why?
A: I wasn't the only one in the car. When it crashed.
D: wait really?!?
A:yeah umm my older brother was driving but I guess that a deer just ran and my brother got scared then crashed. Umm but he died.
D: I am so so sorry Alice, I am coming over and bringing food okay!
A: thanks drew and okay see ya.
He hung up and left a smile on my face. I started to get ready. He arrived about 5 mins later. "Hi drew!" I said hugging him. We are and talked for hours. Until Shawn got home.
" hey Alice wanna go out for dinner. Shawn said coming in the house. "Hi Shawn." I said hugging him then kissing his cheek. "Don't worry we didn't do anything." I said whispering in his ear.
"I know you wouldn't ." He said back. "But why is he here I though he was cheating on you before you and me." Shawn said whispering in my ear. "He had some explaining to do." I said back. He smiled then kissed my cheek.
"Well I am going, but thank you so much for letting me explain." Drew said getting up."bye drew." I said as he walked out. I ran upstairs and took a box from my room. "Shawn I got you a gift." I said waking down the stairs.
He opened the box then smiled. "MUFFINS." He said doing a little dance. I started laughing then Shawn kissed me. "I love you Alice, since the first time I saw you." He said hugging me. "I love you too shawnie."
Okay a month has passed and Shawn and I are together. Drew on the other hand found a beautiful girlfriend. We have been going on double dates and it has been really fun. Now we just wait to see what time has for a

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