26.) cheating or cheater

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              Alice's POV
     "OMG OMG." I said laughing at the video. Shawn looked at me with confustion. I quickly turned off my phone. He walked over to me and took my phone away. I laughed as i tried to get it back." dang shawn how much did you grow?" i said looking at him as he got sat down. "m i guess its part of life." he said opening my phone and looked at the video. His eyes grew wide. I started to laugh.

      "where did you find this?" he asked looking me in the eye. I tried so hard to try to hold in my laugh. "mm so i follow some of you fan pages cause i love when they post memes of you and how they freak out cause i followed them." i said explaning. He got up and laughed. " I love this video.'' he said hugging me.

                       @alicebear   @ mendes_98

                                                                I shawn said he loved this video!! Great job girl its amazing!

      I was scrolling through my instagram and saw a picture of Drew kissing another girl.

                        @drewtaggart  Love ya bbg!! lilly_88

                       My heart fell into a deep hole. I don't know what love is anymore. Shawn looked at me. Oh god this boy has me messed up. I sighed. "whats wrong ali?" he said picking up both of my hands. " Drew is cheating on me.'' I said wiping a tear with my hand. "awe its okay, I know this is hard but your strong, pretty, and smart." shawn said whispering in my ear. "thanks can we go talk to him." i said. he nodded then we left.

                                                       *skip car ride*

    "you can do this." shawn said kissing my cheek.  I nodded then got out of the car. I have been depressed lately. I wasnt the only one in the car when it crashed. My older brother was driving then a deer ran out of no where. It made my brother loose control and crashed. Sadly he died i will never forget that moment. I still think to myself it should of been me that died not him.
I knocked on drew's door. He opened it then tried to kiss me. I dodge the kiss. He can tell that i was hurt.

          " Alice i can explan i wasn't with you this week." he said looking at the car. "cause you have been with her." I said showing him the picture of him and the girl. "look i see you haven't been with me but really with a other girl DREW  I LOVED YOU but i guessed not." i said looking at the floor. " Well i guess you are like every other guy just playing with feelings. there is only be guy that cares." i said walking away and took out a pic of drew and i and ripped it. Somethign else feel from my pocket but i didnt kno what it was.

        After all of that shawn and i went home. We played truth or dare and made it live. "come one guy give us dares." shawn said making a funny face at the camara. "wait finally got one.'' He said looking at it. "i dare you shawn to kiss Alice." He spoke. I shrugged my shoulder. "i am a free woman." i said laughing. But then i got intrupted my shawn's lips on mine. After i pulled away the blushed. I saw comments like

     "awe i ship. #shalice. I wish that was me." i start to laugh. Shawn got on a knee. " Alice you honeslty the best person i ever met, would you like to go on a date with me." he said with a cute smile. " yes i would love to." i siad then he hugged me. "GUYS SHE SAID YES" he said almost yelling.  I laugh then ended the live. I saw that drew was watching. After all  of that we cuddeled watching Harry Potter.


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