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A small voice appeared at the edge of Hoseoks sleepy mind, waking him peacefully

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A small voice appeared at the edge of Hoseoks sleepy mind, waking him peacefully.

"Kihyun, a few more minutes please", he mumbled, hiding his face in his arms.

"You need to get up", there was the calm voice again, "Miss Boo is on her way to check on you."

How did Kihyun know his witch of a boss?

Wait, Miss Boo?

Hoseok's eyes flew open just to be met by a pair of big, innocent, chocolate ones.

Startled, he blinked a few times asking himself whether this was a dream or not.

Chae Hyungwon was standing before him, bend down a bit to look into Hoseok's eyes, a nervous expression on his face.

Thanks to Hoseok's mind being extra slow after just waking up, he said the first words that he could think of.

"Did you just talk?", he wiped the drool from the corner of his lip, leaning back in his chair.

Hyungwon wrinkled his nose, standing straight and looking down at the boy. A blush creeping up his cheeks.

"W-Why wouldn't I?", he stuttered, avoiding to meet eyes with the other.

"I never heard you say anything before, sorry", Hoseok looked around, still a bit confused.

"I saw you asleep and heard Miss Boo talking about checking up on you."

Hoseok found his stuttering and nervousness quite cute. The boy kept looking everywhere but him. His voice was so quiet, Hoseok had to concentrate very hard to understand what he was saying.

"Well, thank you", he mumbled surprised. Hyungwon was the last one he expected to wake him.

"I- I should go back to work", before Hoseok could say anything else the shy boy was back in the kitchen, passing Miss Boo on his way.

As fast as Hoseok could he stood up, straightening his wrinkled clothes and putting the sweetest smile on his lips. Hoseok thanked Hyungwon in his thoughts, without him the devil would've caught him.


It was time for lunch and Hoseok stood in the kitchen, holding a tray full of little plates.

He sighed. The power nap from earlier had saved him from a day of suffering. Maybe he could ask Hyungwon to warn him more often?

The first thing Hoseok saw right after entering the kids room was said boy, carrying one of the very young children around.

"Everyone! Lunch time! Come sit down please", one of the teacher yelled, gathering the children around the small tables.

Hoseok's eyes were still on Hyungwon, who's attention was fully on the kid he held. The small boy had his head on Hyungwon's shoulder, sleeping peacefully.

 The small boy had his head on Hyungwon's shoulder, sleeping peacefully

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"Hoseok!", Maya, one of the higher ranked teacher, hissed at him.

His gaze snapped away from Hyungwon. With a sheepish 'sorry' he placed the tray on the table and helped serving the kids.

When he passed Hyungwon, he smiled at how cute he was with the boy. The kid was awake now but refused to eat his food. Hyungwon held a spoon in his long fingers, trying to persuade him to try a bit.
The boy looked at him with a doubtful look but hesitantly opened his mouth and let Hyungwon feed him. What Hoseok saw next was probably the most beautiful thing he ever witnessed.

Hyungwon's lips broke into a smile. Not a close mouthed, half hearted smile but a real one, showing his perfect teeth.

Hoseok almost tripped over his own feet.


After lunch Hoseok met Hyungwon in the kitchen, right after washing all the dishes.

The quiet boy tried to turn on the spot and leave again as he spotted Hoseok but the older was faster than him.

"Hey! Hyungwon, right?"

"Yes. You're Hoseok."

Hoseok smiled at that.

"Yeah. That's me. Look, I never really thanked you for warning me of the witch." He whispered the last part, grinning cheekily. Hyungwon blushed.

"Would you like to go out to get ice cream one day? After work maybe?" Hoseok didn't think about it as a big deal, since him and his friends went out like this frequently.

At that time he didn't dare to think what such an invitation meant to the shy boy.

Hyungwon turned bright red at his words, not knowing what to say.

Hoseok had already expected him to stutter like this, so he handed him his phone instead.

"Just give me your number and I'll text you?"

Still red and completely speechless, Hyungwon nodded. He hurriedly typed his number in and gave Hoseok the phone back.

From the motion his homescreen lit back up and Hoseok saw the time.

"Oh shit. Sorry I need to go! I'll text you and see you next week!"

With that he left a still speechless and blushing Hyungwon behind.

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