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Hoseok had seen a few big houses in his life, with his friends being all from wealthy families but Hyungwon's topped everything

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Hoseok had seen a few big houses in his life, with his friends being all from wealthy families but Hyungwon's topped everything.

The boy was dumbfounded.

Before he could ring the bell, Hyungwon already stepped out of the house. He was wearing the same red and black coat from their meet up at the convenience store but with black skinny jeans and a black sweater underneath. He had put on a light brown beanie as well.

Just like their first meetings, they just stood before each other awkwardly with Hyungwon looking down at his feet.

"You look good", Hoseok said, trying to make the boy more comfortable and to his delight Hyungwon smiled a bit.

"C'mon", Hoseok grabbed his hand, dragging him to the car.

"Is- Is that your car?", Hyungwon asked surprised, getting into the rather pricey looking car.

"No, it's Kihyun's. I couldn't effort a car, even if I worked 24/7", Hoseok answered bitterly, climbing into the drivers seat and starting the car.

"Where are we going?", Hyungwon asked and looked out of the window, still avoiding eye contact.

"I'll tell you", Hoseok smirked, taking a glance at Hyungwon, "if you look at me."

Hyungwon blushed, looking down before guiding his eyes over to Hoseok.

"That's better", Hoseok smiled, making the other blush even more, "and I thought we could visit the carnival."

"Carnival? Isn't that like ... an hour away?", Hyungwon asked nervously.

"It is. But at least we don't have to take the subway."

They talked for the whole drive, slowly getting to know each other. They spoke about carefree little things like their favorite foods and music.

The first thing Hyungwon noticed as soon as they arrived at the carnival was how afraid Hoseok was of heights. Whenever the lanky boy asked the older to go on a ride with him he'd deny, saying it was too boring or too crowded.

Hoseok watched how Hyungwon warmed up more and more to him. He even let him touch him and didn't move away.

They walked over the small carnival side by side, their arms brushing against each other from time to time. Hyungwon was holding an ice cream. Hoseok had thought that it was too cold outside to eat it but it had made Hyungwon smile, so he didn't say anything.

What Hoseok still missed was his real smile, the one that would blind you and make your heart swell.

"Hyung!", Hoseok smiled, liking how Hyungwon had started calling him that, "can we go on that?"

He had stopped in front of a ride called 'Viking', a big pirate ship that swung high into the sky.

Hoseok gulped, knowing how high it would go but one glance at Hyungwon's shining eyes convinced him to at least try it.

"Alright", he nodded, beginning to walk up to the line of people already waiting to go on the ride.

Hyungwon was surprised and followed behind Hoseok. He hadn't expected the boy to say yes.

"Are you sure you want to go?", he asked as he caught up with him. Hoseok had already turned pale.

"Sure. It will be alright. I'm sure it's funny", Hoseok stuttered nervously, fiddling with his fingers.

To Hoseok's dismay their turn came faster as he thought and as they walked up to take their seats, Hyungwon pointed at the seats at the end of the ship. The ones that would go up the highest. Hoseok just gulped and followed the younger.

As soon as they closed the safety bar, Hoseok grabbed it so tight, his knuckles turned white. But he looked over to Hyungwon and there it was, the smile.

Hyungwon was smiling from ear to ear, his teeth showing. His eyes were shining like the carnival lights around them, radiating innocence.

The whole ride Hoseok just stared at the boy. He had never seen him laugh, but as the ship swung higher and higher into the sky his big smile turned into pure laughter.

"See, it wasn't too bad", Hyungwon still smiled as they got out of the ride, Hoseok feeling a bit shaky on his legs.

"I thought I'd die. You have to buy ramen now to make it up to me", he grinned cheekily. To be honest he was too busy staring at him to even realize the height they were in.

"I will, I will", Hyungwon laughed and Hoseok found himself more and more amazed by the boy.

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