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Hoseok's leg bounced up and down nervously as he watched the clock moving painfully slow

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Hoseok's leg bounced up and down nervously as he watched the clock moving painfully slow.

Detention wasn't even on for more than five minutes and he already lost his patience.

He groaned loudly, leaning back in his seat.

The teacher, who would be watching them for the next hour, glanced at Hoseok warningly.

The blond just sighed again, letting his eyes roam over the other students in the room.

He noticed familiar faces, just as Cha Eunwoo. The kid was younger than him by at least a few years but Hoseok heard that he skipped some classes. He was some sort of brainiac.

Hoseok wondered how someone like him ended up in detention. Then he remembered his best friend Park Jinwoo and suddenly, it wasn't as surprising anymore.

He noticed two girls from his history class as well.

But what really caught Hoseok's attention was the dark figure seated behind them.

He had almost missed him, sitting in the dark corner. The boy had his hood up but Hoseok recognized him nonetheless.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he suddenly remembered Jackson's words.

You know, there are some rumors about you and the jobs you had during these last months

did Hyungwon pay you too?

How did the chinese boy know about Hoseok's job at the bar? He was clearly referring to that.

Hoseok had never told anyone. Not even Kihyun.

Now, with Yoo Youngjae sitting only a few seats away from him, something clicked and Hoseok balled his fists.

"I need to bring these to the principal real quick. You stay here", the teacher suddenly said loudly, making everyone jump in their seats.

As soon as the door fell closed Hoseok let out a small chuckle. He stood up, making the chair screech over the hard floor. All eyes flew to him, including the ones of Yoo Youngjae and he seemed terrified.

Hoseok knew how stupid it was to confront him like that but his temper got the best of him once again.

"It was you, wasn't it?", Hoseok asked and walked over to his place, slamming both his hands on the desk. Youngjae leaned back, his face getting pale.

Hoseok was too busy to notice Cha Eunwoo getting up from his desk and leaving the classroom in a hurry.

"How could you tell them? Out of all people?", Hoseok was yelling now, anger bubbling in his stomach.

"You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone!"

Youngjae slipped out of his chair rather ungracefully, trying to run away from the fuming boy. Hoseok only needed to take a few steps to grab the collar of his hoody, dragging Youngjae closer to him.

"You know how he is", he begged, "he knows of me working there and Jinyoung saw us walking to the club one day. Jackson forced me to tell him!"

The other boy tried to wiggle out of Hoseok's grasp but didn't get anywhere.

"You are such a coward!", Hoseok yelled again, his face getting even closer to Youngjae's.

"What the fuck are you doing?", a new voice joined them and before Hoseok knew what was happening someone grabbed him and he got pushed to the floor. A sharp pain exploded in his mouth. Someone had thrown a punch at him.

Hoseok's eyes darted over to the door as he was holding his bleeding lip.

Kihyun was standing there, his mouth open in shock. Behind Hoseok was Jung Daehyun, Youngjae's best friend.

Hoseok wondered for a second why they were there until he noticed Eunwoo behind Kihyun, looking incredibly scared.

The kid must've got them as he noticed that they were about to fight.

"Yah! Was that really necessary?", Kihyun yelled and quickly rushed to Hoseok's side, helping him up.

Daehyun looked angry, getting to Youngjae's side. "Are you alright?", he asked him gently.

Hoseok furrowed his brows but didn't comment on it.

"He looked as if he was about to punch him!", Daehyun tried to defend himself, pointing at Hoseok.

"You are such a dumbass. Why do I always have to look after you?", Kihyun asked in an annoyed tone, making Hoseok roll his eyes.

"I wouldn't have punched him!", Hoseok defended himself. "Have you ever seen me punch someone?"

Kihyun shook his head.

"I'm sorry", Daehyun said, pulling Youngjae on his arm. He looked down.

"I was just afraid you'd hurt him", Daehyun bowed slightly before hurrying out of the room, dragging Youngjae with him.

"This is bullshit!", Hoseok cursed, "I would never punch someone!"

"I know that", Kihyun smiled sympathetically, patting his shoulder, "c'mon let's get you home. We should get out of here before the teacher gets back. If he sees you with a bleeding lip you'll get detention for the rest of the semester."

"Will you buy me Ramen?", Hoseok asked in his best aegyo voice and the cutest pout he could muster. Only to scrunch up his face because his split lip hurt.

"You're such a baby."

"Oh c'mon I just got punched! I'm bleeding!"

"Shut up, I should punch you a second time for being dumb enough to even get yourself in a fight!"

"Thank you for getting me", Kihyun bowed slightly as they passed Eunwoo, who was still standing in the doorway. The kid smiled shyly.

Hoseok smiled at him as best as he could, bowing as well.

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