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Hoseok's head felt light and heavy at the same time

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Hoseok's head felt light and heavy at the same time.

Soft fingertips were stroking along the side of his face, waking him from his slumber.

He left his eyes closed, pretending to be still asleep. Hoseok could smell the familiar cologne of Hyungwon, making it hard for him not to smile.

His head was resting in Hyungwon's lap and the younger was still touching Hoseok's face lightly. His long fingers traced the bow of his nose until he reached his upper lip.

"Why did you get hurt again?", Hyungwon whispered and Hoseok flinched as he touched the cut on his lip.

Hoseok's eyes flew open and immediately met Hyungwon's dark ones.

The taller had leaned over him slightly, looking down at him with a smile.

Everything around Hoseok seemed to disappear in a blur, only Hyungwon's face still focused.

He studied the younger as if he'd see him for the first time. Again Hoseok asked himself whether he had seen someone as beautiful as Hyungwon before. He was sure that he hadn't.

The youngers hand was still resting on the side of Hoseok's face as he leaned up, connecting their lips.

Now that Hoseok knew how he was able to kiss Hyungwon if he wanted to, he could stay like this forever.

Hyungwon was hesitant and nervous. Hoseok felt how stiff the younger was.

Without parting their lips Hoseok got up, sitting in front of Hyungwon now.

He had put his hand in Hoseok's hair, completely messing it up.

In return Hoseok placed his hands on Hyungwon's waist, dragging his thumb over a small spot of exposed skin, where his sweater had come up.

"Yah!! Oh my god I might die!"

Hoseok and Hyungwon sprung away from each other, the older almost falling off the couch.

Kihyun was standing in the doorway, pressing both his hands over his eyes. Minhyuk, who had yelled, was standing behind him.

"Yah! Why don't you go to your room?!", Kihyun asked, putting his jacket away.

"If you didn't notice, we live in an 'one room apartment'. This kinda is my room", Hoseok pointed over to the two empty bed in the corner of the room.

"Smartass", Minhyuk mumbled, sticking his tongue out like a child. Hyungwon chuckled, his face red but Hoseok hadn't seen him looking so happy before.

Hoseok grinned widely, kissing Hyungwon one last time before getting up.

"Did you buy me Ramen Kihyun-ah?", without a reply, a small yet colorful package of the noodles came flying in his direction.

"Yah! Stop throwing them around, let me cook them!", Hoseok whined and stood behind Kihyun who was unpacking all the groceries he had bought.

"Let me help as well", Hyungwon joined them, still smiling from ear to ear.

"We will set the kitchen on fire with that many people", Minhyuk pointed out, sitting down cross legged on the couch, "I'll just wait here."

"Yah! Stop being an lazy pabo, at least set the table."

With that the friends cooked, ate and laughed together for the rest of the day.


"Why did you get in a fight with Yoo Youngjae?"

Hyungwon's small voice broke the silence between them as Hoseok walked him home.

It was already dark and Hoseok didn't want the younger to go alone. Kihyun had used the car to drive Minhyuk home.

For a few minutes only the sound of their shoes on the asphalt could be heard but then Hyungwon had spoken.

"I didn't even know that you knew Yoo Youngjae", Hyungwon's voice was small and hesitant.

Hoseok felt his shoulders getting tense and he didn't dare to look up at the taller as he spoke.

"We were some sort of co-workers once", Hoseok cringed at how weird his voice sounded. Hyungwon heard it too, so he stopped walking and grabbed Hoseok's wrist.

"I had a feeling that you were hiding something all the time. I thought it was bothering you. Please tell me what it is."

Hyungwon's eyes shone in the dimly lights of the street lanterns above them. Again Hoseok admired his beauty. He, Shin Hoseok just didn't deserve something as pure and beautiful as Chae Hyungwon.

"I- There is-", Hoseok stuttered, searching for words that wouldn't make it sound as horrible as it was.

"There is nothing that could make me look differently at you, Shin Hoseok", Hyungwon said, stepping closer and laying a hand on the olders shoulder.

"Can we go to your place first? I don't want to tell you in the middle of the streets."

"Of course."

During the rest of their walk they stayed silent. Hyungwon had grabbed Hoseok's hand as if he wanted to make sure he wouldn't run away.

Hoseok's mind was in a chaos. Hyungwon came from a good family, a strikt family. How would he react to him working in such a shady place?

Would he be disgusted? Would he regret kissing him? Hoseok didn't want to think about what would happen.

He squeezed the youngers hand, as if he wanted to say 'I don't want you to go either.'

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