Epiloge - First Dates

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"Are you kidding me? I can't wear that!"

Hoseok was holding up a red shirt.

"That looks as if I'm some service boy at the gas station."

Kihyun was sitting on his bed. He was wearing some black skinny jeans with a nice, navy colored sweater.

"I remember you working at a gas station once", Kihyun mumbled, picking little specks of dust from his pants.

Hoseok looked around until he found a pair of flip flops, throwing them at his best friend.

"Yah! Don't ruin my hair!"

The house looked like a battlefield and all that thanks to the two boys going on a date.

"I don't even know why you make such a scene", Kihyun scolded, getting up from his place and following Hoseok to the door, who finally decided to wear a dark red dress shirt and some washed out jeans. "This isn't your first date with Hyungwon!"

"Yah! It's the first while being a real couple. That's a difference. Why are you so nervous? You and Minhyuk know each other for all your lives, it's as if we two went on a date."

Both of the friends made a grimace, disgusted at the thought.

Hoseok froze on the doorstep, realizing something.

"Who will take the car?", he asked, looking back at Kihyun, who was texting on his phone while walking. He looked up with furrowed brows at the question.

"It's my car", he said as if it was obvious.


"Yah. Stop, we're the same age and don't even think about aegyo."


Hoseok ended up on the backseat of Kihyun's car, on their way to Hyungwon's house.

They had picked Minhyuk up and Hoseok feared to puke more than once, because the two were all over each other.

As soon as they arrived at Hyungwon's, Hoseok jumped out of the car, yelling a "Have fun" hastily.

He walked up to the front door, smiling to himself. Kihyun and Minhyuk were kinda cute, at least when they didn't make out in front of him.

Still smiling, Hoseok rang the doorbell.

Mr. Chae opened the door, returning the boys smile hesitantly.

"Hyungwon! Your- your Boyfriend is here."

"Thank you Mr. Chae", Hoseok bowed deeply, still smiling brightly.

Hyungwon came running down the stairs, wearing all black. Hoseok still couldn't believe that this beautiful boy was all his.

The younger threw himself at Hoseok laughing, kissing him quickly. He took his hand and smiled at his father, blushing.

"Have fun boys", a small voice came out of the kitchen. They didn't see Mrs. Chae, but her farewell was a start.

"Thank you Mrs. Chae", Hoseok replied enthusiastically, tugging at Hyungwon's hand to go.

"I hope you don't mind taking the subway, because Kihyun snatched the car away from me and-"

"It's alright", Hyungwon interrupted him, "can we just go to the park?"


The moon was out and shone together with the stars, both shining so brightly as if they wanted to outshine each other.

The air was crisp, fall almost on its way.

Hoseok and Hyungwon sat on a pair of swings at a playground, just around the corner of Hyungwon's home.

The only thing that could be heard was the jingling of the swings chains and the slow breathing of the both.

"I think, falling in love with you was unavoidable. I needed you", Hoseok whispered, not daring to speak any louder.

"Wow", Hyungwon chuckled, "that was cheesy. I hope it wasn't Jooheon who told you it was a good idea to say this."

"No, that actually came from myself", Hoseok said, looking up.

Hyungwon's features were slightly alight with the moonshine and the street lantern a few feet away. His lashes made long shadows on his cheeks, giving him a thoughtful look.

"What are you thinking of?"


"What about me?"

"How lucky I am to have you. I'm thankful that I had the guts to talk to you that day."

"And I'm lucky to be able to fall asleep everywhere."

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