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Hyungwon hated the hospital

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Hyungwon hated the hospital. Doctor Park wasn't all that bad but he hated talking about private stuff with her and she had started asking questions about Hoseok ever since he brought him up once.

Hyungwon knew that the Doctor wasn't allowed to tell his parents what they talked about but somehow Hoseok still feared that they would find out how he felt for the boy.

He stood in the entrance hall, his parents by his side, glancing in every direction in the hope of seeing Hoseok. He hadn't seen him in so long!

Hyungwon still didn't know why Hoseok went to the Hospital that often but he knew that it had to be Wednesday's, because those days were the only ones Hoseok always looked somewhat depressed.

To be honest, Hoseok had changed. Hyungwon didn't know why, but he wanted to help his friend.

When the blonde boy really entered the hospital, Hyungwon smiled triumphally. But his smile fell when he took in his appearance.

Hoseok had gotten thinner, his grey hoodie looking even more oversized than before and his hair was messy. Dark circles decorated his handsome face. He didn't look up, but Hyungwon could swear that he saw tears sparkling in his eyes.

Without thinking Hyungwon turned away from his parents, ignoring their calls and walked after Hoseok.

"Hoseok!", he called, but the boy didn't seem to hear him.

Before the elevator door could close on him, Hyungwon jumped in, standing right in front of Hoseok.

Hoseok blinked a few times, not really believing his eyes.

"Hyungwon", he said quietly, looking down, embarrassed that the younger saw him like this.

Hyungwon didn't say anything, he took one more step, embracing Hoseok in a tight hug.

Since he was smaller, Hoseok wrapped his arms around Hyungwon's waist, grabbing the boys sweater at the back. Without warning all his tears began flowing down his cheeks.

It seemed like Hyungwon's hug was the one thing that had been missing for him to be pushed over the edge.

The elevator gave a sound, letting them know that they arrived at the right floor.

Hoseok let go of Hyungwon but grabbed the youngers hand, not letting him go.

The two didn't need to speak, they only acted.

With linked hands they went up to the room Hoseok's mother lay in.

Hyungwon looked how Hoseok tried to get rid of the tears on his face, rubbing at his cheeks furiously, before taking a deep breath.

They entered the dark room silently, Hoseok grabbing Hyungwon's hand so tightly that it almost hurt.

Hyungwon had thought about something like this but the boy was speechless as he realized what exactly was going on.

Hoseok's tears began to flow again as he spoke.

"They just don't listen, right Mom?"

He let go of Hyungwon's hand, walking over to the curtains and opened the windows. As he turned around the tears sparkled in the sunlight and Hyungwon didn't know whether this was the most heartbreaking or the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Mom, this is Hyungwon", Hoseok said and the younger didn't know what to do, so he just went over to Hoseok and grabbed his hand again.

"You would've loved him. He is shy and blushes a lot. He loves to watch romantic dramas and gives the best cuddles anyone could ask for", Hoseok chuckled, but it didn't really reach his eyes.

A knock on the door startled Hyungwon but Hoseok seemed to have expected it.

"Hello Hoseok, oh-", a Doctor entered the room, but stopped as he saw the two boys. A name tag with 'Mr. Moon', was pinned at the right side of his white jacket.

Hyungwon bowed slightly, not knowing whether he should leave or not.

As if Hoseok was reading his mind he gave his hand a squeeze, not wanting him to go.

"You brought a friend today", Doctor Moon said, smiling.

"I'm Chae Hyungwon, a friend of Hoseok's ", Hyungwon said, bowing yet again.

The man took a glance at their linked hands but didn't comment about it.

Hyungwon felt as if this meeting was a routine to the both. Hoseok's eyes were glued to the woman on the bed. Hyungwon followed his gaze and for the first time since they entered the room, he looked at the woman's face.

She seemed to be asleep but Hyungwon had a bad feeling that wasn't the case. It made him feel sick how similar her face was to her son's.

"Something has to happen Hoseok", the Doctor said slowly, approaching the two boys.

Hyungwon glanced between his friend and the Doctor, feeling like he shouldn't be here.

Doctor Moon seemed to think the same since he took a look at Hyungwon before talking.

"It's alright. He can know", Hoseok sniffled, rubbing his eyes.

"Listen to me boy", Doctor Moon said, laying a hand on Hoseok's shoulder, "your Mom won't be waking up. It's time to think about yourself. You can't help her anymore, but you can help yourself."

Hyungwon slowly began to understand what was going on. Now he understood why Hoseok worked so much and why he wasn't going to school anymore.

"It looks like you have friends who'll be beside you. I've known you for a long time now and I can see that you're at the point where you can't take it anymore. It's time Hoseok. Let her go."

Hoseok still looked at the floor, tears dripping down his face.

"Only you can decide this", Hyungwon whispered,

"but I'll be beside you whatever you choose."

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