{6} sorry's don't cut it

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Thomas's POV
I walked to the bathroom and heard someone zip their pants up. I saw four feet in the stall next to me and that was pretty gross but I let it slide because I didn't really care,I just wanted to realive some pain. I took the blade from my pocket and sliced it against my wrist. I had my sweatshirt on so I could hide the cuts easily.

I sliced my wrist a few more times making sure it didn't bleed horrendously. I took some toilet paper and wrapped it around my wrist as I left the bathroom. The guys who helped me with James approached me. "Hey." The boy in dark clothing said to me. "H-hi?" I said\asked back. "I'm Dan." He paused "This is Phil" he said pointing to the other boy. "We're the people who helped you earlier!" He said in a cheery voice. "I'm Thomas." I stuck my hand out to shake their hands. We shake hands then he starts to ask questions. "So what happened earlier with the...beating up?" He asks. "I don't want to talk about it.
"It's okay, you don't have to answer it." Phil said. I nod and walk off,going back to class as fast as possible. They walk away too. I sit in my desk as James,who is sitting behind me,tossed another paper in front of me.

"No one likes you,you deserve to put yourself out of your misery I would but then i couldn't mess with you again wouldn't I? I know your a faggot but liking ALEXANDER? Your retarted." The note said

He was right. But Alex is my soulmate and I have to fight through this for him. Time will prove him wrong,I have to give him time. Soon enough James will stop being a 5th grader and not write your instead of you're on his paper. He doesn't even know the diffrence in college,that's more pathetic than a kitten not knowing what to do with a ball of yarn! He thinks I'm stupid and need to die. I'm better than him. But maybe I should cut him some slack,he was raised to hate people like me,people like me who are stupid faggots.

Alex's POV
I saw Thomas come back to class
and another note got passed to him. It annoyed me so much because I knew it was James doing it and I had the sudden urge to punch James. Then I thought of me and Thomas's encounter in the bathroom.

                  Flash back
He opened the door to the bathroom right when i was about to get in the shower and inches close to me after I put my towel around my waist. He kissed me and my chest glowed up again.
               Flashback end

My thoughts were cut off by the bell ringing and Mr. Washington dissmissing is for our next class. I started walking to James with my fists balled up. Lafayette called my name but I didn't care. James didn't see me since I was behind him. Laf slightly caught up to me as I spun James around and his eye narrowed. "Ah, Fag the second! Glad seeing you! I unfortunately have to go, important people are over there!" He points to his friends. I didn't even care he called me a fag at this point. I couldn't punch him on campus,but trust me I wanted to and my fists were balled in tight fists. He starts to walk off but I stop him and turn him around. "You can't treat Thomas like that,or anyone who's gay for a matter of fact! They can't help who they love they were made like that! Fuck you for harrassing him for no reason!" I yell at him. His eyes widen. Laf was about to pull me back but he stoped and crossed his arms and looked at Madison. "Hamilton I honestly don't care! People like you are disgusting!" He starts to walk off but I put my foot in front of him,resulting him to trip. Everyone around us started laughing. I turn around to go to class and spot Thomas smiling.

Thomas's POV
I saw Alex and James fighting while walking to my other class that I had with George Eaker. (Man that guy was a real perv). I looked and listened to the fight. "You can't treat Thomas like that,or anyone who's gay for a matter of fact! They can't help who they love they were made like that! Fuck you for harrassing him for no reason!" I almost gasped at the sight. Alex's hands balled as they went back and fourth with their bickering. I felt happy that Alex was defending me. I started smiling. They stopped arguing and stormed off. I followed Alex. "What happened?" I ask
"None of your buissness." He said speed walking. I walked up to him having no trouble since I'm way taller than him. "Alex,I want to know!" I whined
"J-Just leave me Alone!" He yells back at me. I back off and walk to class. I have James in this class too. Great! Another hour with litteral hell!

Word count: 870~

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