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Thomas's POV
I look for the bathroom,stubling and my vision becoming blurry and out of foucus some times. I found the bathroom and close the door behind me as I walk in. "What the hell possibly happened that I forgot what reality was and I thought my dream was real?" I mumble to myself. Now I probably seem like a freak. To myself. And boy do I think I am!

I sigh and splash some water in my face,waking me up a bit. I look at the mirror to see pathetic. I shake my head. "No. Not again." I mumble to myself. God damnit I'm talking to myself again. I am really pathetic. I look at myself in the mirror and wiped my face. I sighed and out some water in my hair in an attempt to mantain it. I run my fingers through it a few times and put some of my curls in place. I sigh as I look back in the mirror. I wonder what that dream was about,like it was so bizarreand I remember it so clearly. I walk out of the bathroom and walk back to Alex,hearing laughs and chatter. I walk in the room Alex was in,sitting beside him on the floor. Lafayette and Hercules sitting on the couch while Alex was sprawled out on the floor. I sat criss-crossed next to him,listening to their conversation. It had suddenly stopped when I walked in,but continued when Lafayette said good morning to me and such. "So Lafayette used to put random things in croissant and say 'oh oui oui! I am only testing ze flavours' and one day I put mayonnaise on it and I laughed my ass off when he spit it out!" Hercules said,following with laughter. I laughed along as Lafayette yelled at Hercules. "Well at least I don't make scarfs for my dolls!" Lafayett said.
"Hey! They are not dolls,they are mannequins!" Herc exclaimed. They went back and fourth for a while until Alex got a phone call.
"Yo burr!" I cluld only hear Alex. "Oh no problem! Anytime!" Alex chuckled. "Ok,bye." He hung up and looked at me. "Burr just left so we can you back if you want?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Sure." Alex nodded and got up going over to Hercules and Lafayette,hugging them. "Bye guys!"
"Bye petit lion!" Laf said,reviving and eye roll from Alex and a laugh from me and Hercules. I waved bye and we walked out.

We walked hand in hand down the hall,going up some stairs. "I never realised how diffrent our dorm looks from theirs." I said in realisation. Alex nodded. "Neither have I." He said with a smile,looking up at me. I looked down at him and pressed a kiss to his fore head.

We walked into our dorm,Alex going to his desk and typing on his laptop. I rolled my eyes and go to the bathroom. I see Alex's eyes advert away from his screen to me for one second before going back to the screen. I wonder if he's worried about me. I close the door after I walk in and look for my razor. I can't find it so I go out and look in my drawers,nope non razors. I quietly go to Alex's drawers and look through them,still no sign of razors. "Thomas stop looking through my things." Alex says,not moving his eyes. I roll my eyes before asking: "Where's my shaving stuff?" Alex turns around in his chair,grinning. "I hid it." He says,clicking his fingers together like he's an evil character in a movie. I roll my eyes and get scissors before walking in the bathroom. I lock the door after closing it and turn to the sink. I cut the side of my wrist,not having any room to cut on the front of my wrists. I cut only a few times and open the door again,to face Alex. "What were you doing in there?" He asks. I look down at him. "Trying to shave but I'm not fucking my beard up because you hid my things." I snap back,pushing him aside and walking back to my bed. I hear him mumble something,followed by a sigh as he walks back to his desk. I take my phone out and start typing up a document. I swear I see Alex look back at me a few times but I'm not sure. I refuse to look at him,I mean he took my razors away in fear that I would cut again! I'm a grown man and I can do what I want.

I finish about 1,000 words about our assignment before my information on the subject was lacking. It had to be 5,000 words,and this was one of our first assignments.

I go on my chrome and sit up in my bed. I see Alex still looking at his laptop,scrolling every so often and fixing errors. I admire his hair that was surpisingly being tucked behind his ear,instead of swaying in his face before snapping myself out of the trance I was. I turn my focus back on my phone,doing some reasearch. I search up the ammount of accident a that happen a year and begin to narrow it down by age. The website I went on was saying things like over 221,313 teens die in car accidents and 2,333 teens were the drivers,wich I doubt so I decide to go to the books. I get up right when Hamilton gets up. I look at him as he sits back down,putting earbuds in. "I'm going to the library if you want to come." I say,getting my shoes on. I look at him again,getting no reaction. I shrug and walk out of the door after getting my phone.

Time skip
I get out of my car and walk back to my dorm. I try to open the door but it's locked. I knock a few times,getting no response. I knock a bit harder and hear a groan and the door opens. I'm greeted by Alex and I try to walk in but Hamilton blocks me. "It's 11 pm, I know you weren't at the damn library." I scrunch my face in confusion and check the time. I look back up after seeing the time.


"Baby I'm sorry I didn't realise I thought it was earlier! I wasn't any where I was at the library!" Alex rolls his eyes and lets me in. He does a few things on his laptop before going to the bathroom and coming out in pajamas. I do the same but shower and go back out after putting my hair in a ponytail. Alex peeks his head out from under his blanket and goes back under it. I curl under the sheets next to him before getting kicked in the balls and being hit against the floor. "Don't fucking touch me." He snaps at me and goes back under his blanket. I hold my crotch and get up shakily. "I didn't do anything,Alex!" I say,getting him wiled up. "OH SO YOU STAYED OUT AT THE "LIBRARY" ALMOST UNTIL MIDNIGHT,HU?!" Alex yells at me I gulp and nod. "Sure you were. Just don't fucking talk to me,look at me,think of me or touch me! Got it?!" He yells more. I roll my eyes. I am not getting yelled at by a gremlin! "Fuck you,Hamilton!
I will not get scolded ny a bastard! You can't just make assumptions and think you're right! Because half of the time I bet you aren't! Fuck you!" I yell before going under my covers. I turn my light off before hearing sobbing. I ignore it. He deserves it,he can't just think I'm not where I say I am,I was working on my school work. I think a bit more before hearing choked sobs. I start to get worried as they turn more frequent and louder. I turn to his bed and see shaking under the covers. I leave him alone,not wanting to get scolded again and hear rain. God damnit he's having a panic attack. Well you're not even suppost to touch people when they're having a panic attack so I left him alone and drifted off to sleep.

Thanks zootopia_fangirl for telling me (not directly telling me but,writing in her book) that you aren't suppost to hold,hug or touch someone when they have a panic attack because I didn't know that before

I'm running out of ideas for this fracking book but I have 2 other Jamilton books that y'all should check out cuz thoes were thought out well. (This one was kinda just a thought then I did it) if you have any ideas for a feature chapter dm me and I'll try to put it in the book

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