{17} old me

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Narrator's POV
Everyone seemed to be duller. Peggy wasn't making any meme references,Lafayette wouldn't talk at all and Herculese didn't move. Alex,well Alex didn't do anything. Weather it was talking,eating or writing. He just kneeld there and held John's hand,looking at him,studying him. Thomas on the other hand,buisied himself with work at home. He finished almost all of his work and stayed hunched over his desk most of the day,glancing at Alex's bed,missing him and wishing he was there with him.

Alex watched John's face move every so often while he slept. Herc watched the heart monitor and listened to it's constant beeping. Lafayette couldn't even look at anything. He was sat in a chair,looking at the floor and looking at the doctorsor nurses as they walked in and out.

A nurse came in and announced John would be fine and there was a slim chance we wouldn't make it. It made them unusually unsteady. It set everyone off edge. When doctors said people had a slim chance of living,they usually survived so why wouldn't it be the same in this situation?

Alex continues to kneel there,Laf continued to silently cry and hold his head in his hands. His two best friends being too shocked to talk or even move. A doctor came in and made some noise amung the silence. He checked the heart moniter, his heart rate was insensitive.

"I'm afraid he isn't in the best shape and might not make it." The doctor announced,sighing and walking out with Alex,answering the questions he had.

Herc wasn't very soft and he started crying into Lafayette's shoulder. Alex came back in and squeezed Johns hand and cried into it. "Please John...I love you I always will just please come back." He cried out. "John please I don't want you to go like this." John squeezed his hand back to then let Alex looking up,smiling.

"I love you too,Alex-" Alex cut him off with a hug wich Lafayette and Herculese joined the hug,all smiling. "Guys I'm fine I'm fine!" He weakly excused for himself so they omt have to hug him. They kept hugging him until he started coughing. Alex imediatly reacted "John you okay? You need water?" John shook his head. "Alex I'm fine!" He smiled as Alexander hugs him again.

They continued to be happy as they talked with John until visiting hours were over. Alex hugged John once more. He was about to walk out after Lafayettte but John stopped him. "Alex if I don't make it after tonight,don't let people wear too much black at my funeral. Please." Alex hugged John once more. "Let's just hope that you won't need a funeral."

They hugged for a bit until Alex pulled away to leave. "Alex. I love you. You were the best thing that happened to me." Alex smiled weakly and hugged him once more,hoping it wouldn't be the last time they talked. John kissed Alexander's cheek,Alex's face turn red. "S-sorry! I d-don't mean to!" "John,it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow." John smiled and waved as Alex walked out.

Alex walked to the parking lot into their car,checking his phone.

Thirteen miss calls

A couple from Washington,Angelica and Peggy. He went through his voicemails. Angelica,Peggy and Washington all left at least one,hoping that John was okay. "Earth to Alex." Laf spat out. "Oh hm? What." He looked up from his phone from the backseat. "You okay mon amie?" Alex nodded as the tallest man started the car and drive to their hotel.

Time skip

That night nobody slept. For Alex it was normal,he never slept even if he has something going on the next day. Lafayette wouldn't stop crying and worrying. Thomas knew what happened and was texting Alex.

Macaronifucker: Alex are you okay?

Young,scrappy,hungry: no thomas. Im not fucking fine. My friend just got shot what the hell do you think?!

Macaronifucker: I know I'm sorry

Young,scrappy,hungry: Thomas just don't talk to me

Macaronifucker: okay bye

Alex didn't go to sleep that night,nor did Herc or Lafayette. Peggy didn't either but Angelica picked her up after hearing about John and finding out where she was.

The morning came around as Alex paced back and fourth in their hotel room. "Alex,he's fine they said he wouldn't die." Herc said in attempt to get the short man to calm down. Alex shook his head. "No,Herc. I just can't stop worrying about him. Can we please go to see him?!" Lafayette sat up looking at Alex. "Alex trust me I would want to go but we can't it's only 5 am mon amie." Alex shook his head,trying not to belive they wouldn't go see John.

"People should be there anyways and he's probably bored out of his mind- fuck it I'm going!" Alex grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change to only come out soon after,grabbing his phone and storming out of the door. The two other men looked at eachother and shook their head,beginning to go get ready and get Alex.

Alex was walking down the street trying to get to the hospital. He was looking at his surroundings and passing cars,making sure he was going in the right direction until his phone rang. It was Lafayette but he didn't want to answer it so he cancled the call. Lafayette called again and again until Alex answered it on the 80th time.
"What do you want-"
"Alex. John might not make it."


Word count: ~1,144

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