{25} a tree and a hospital

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Alex's POV
I hear the drizzle of the rain outside and start to fall asleep. I wake up to the sounds of crackling and pounding in my window. I peek my head out from under the covers and look out of my window,to only be greeted with rain that I-oh so love! I start to cry and hyperventilate. I feel my head get light and my crying stop when the light peeks through my window and the rain gets lighter. Well looks like I woke up early and I have classes. Great.

After a while in bed I get up and start to get ready. I take a shower and realise there is almost nothing to wash with and basically just wet my hair and straighten it. Don't ask why I have a straightener,I just have it.

I put my hair in a ponytail and get my white tangtop on before my college sweatshirt on with regular jeans. I trudge myself over to my laptop,checking the time. 6:25. I plug my computer in for the time being and do some of my extra credit work. I finish most of my homework and get so of my stuff in my bag,looking at Jefferson who is about to walk out of the door. How did I not notice him? "Oh..I'm going to class want a ride?" He asks. I shake my head and get my things together. "No." I simply answer. He nods,looking a little pained and waves before walking out of the door. I sigh to myself and walk out of the door after him.

I walk into the school and see a crowd of people chanting,and cheering. I run over and get on my tip-toes,trying to see what was going on. It was Charles Lee and Samuel seabury throwing punches at eachother,mostly Samuel just blocking them. I just walk away and hope everything is going to be fine. I mean,shit like that isn't far from difrent around here. I continue to walk to my first class as the cheering continues.

Time skip because classes are boring and Alex ignored Thomas through out the day
I walked back to my dorm and look at the road. Not too many cars today. I shrug and look in the distance,squinting. I see someone getting arrested. I walk a bit faster before I realise it's Hercules. I walk by him and he calls my name I look over at him,being let go. He rushes over to me. "Where was I yesterday night?!'' He asks,winking. I tilt my head,getting a hint from his wink. "My house,why?" I ask,going along with his plan. He smirks and looks ay the cop. "I told you I wasn't there,officer! I was at his house!" He said,motioning twords me. The police officer nods,rolls his eyes and grumbles away. Herc turns to me and starts to walk with me,smiling. We walk for a bit before I ask. "Okay,what did you do?" I ask and look at the giddy Herc. "Oh nothing much... just smashed Lee's car wndows in." He says before chuckling. I roll my eyes. "You can barley aford a shirt,let alone insurance! You can't do that!" I scold him before he turns to me.
"Oh,you'll regret saying that." He pauses with a chuckle. "You'll hear all about it tomorrow,can you hangout?" He asks,I nod.
"That's what I need right now. What about a coffee shop?" I ask as Herc nods back. We walk to a random coffee shop that neither of us have been to yet. We get our drinks and sit down at a table that was by a window. "So why'd you destroy Lee's car?" I ask. He sighs. "Why shouldn't I have?" He thought for a second before responding. "He was saying that being gay was stupid when he's clearly gay himself and that he also beat up Laf for...doing nothing basically." Herc explains. My eyes widen and I look at him. "He did what to Laf?!" I exclaim.
"He beat up Laf,for doing nothing. I don't understand people sometimes." He says.
"Now I'm kind of happy you did fuck his car up. That was good deserves it!" I say again,taking a sip out of my coffee. "Is Lafayette ok? I didn't really see him today,or you." I say looking down.
"Alex, first of all I'm pretty sure we both know he's not fine, second of all,why did you ignore us today? If I hadn't called your name when I was getting arrested I would've been dead! Probably from my parents but still! You were ignoring me too and I'm sure I didn't do anything." I took the scolding and looked back up at him,regret filling my face. "Alexander you ignored me when I was getting arrested. What hapened?" He asks I gulp and stand up. "I have no go." I walk out of the coffee shop as Hercules follows me.

"Alexander! Please I don't know what we did!" He catches up to me. "Please." He steps in front of me,making me stop. "You've been acting diffrently ever sence John died." I roll my eyes.
"Its not because of John,just leave me alone!" I yell,trying to get away. He steps on my foot and holds me by the shoulder. "I will do anything,just to clear things up." I pour my coffee down his back and kick him in the nuts before dashing to the park.

I finally get there and look for the forest area Lafayette always told me about. Fuck people,I don't need friends. Hercules can suck his own dick and Lafayette can go die in a hole. And thomas can cut himself if he wants to. Not like I would care anyways. I climb up one of the first tree I see,slipping a few times but recovering and clibimg to almost the top. I see someone run under the tree and curl up in a ball,their face and figure slightly blurry. I could identify that they had dark skin and a sweatshirt in their hands but that's about it. I look down and feel the branch snap and everything turn dark.

I look around and see people hustling back and forth. From mw to something else. I feel light headed. My leg is numb and I blackout again.

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