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Washington hasn't come back yet. For a while,acually. "M-mom?" I choke out,my throat still hurting. She looks over to me,putting a hand on mine. "Yes?" She asks gently.
"Where's...d-dad?" I ask.
She thinks. "I'll go see,darling," she said before leaving the room.

I look down at my hands that are in my lap. I wait and pick at my nails,noticing how long they were before Martha walks back into my room. "He's just talking to the doctor,no need to worry." She gave me a gentle smile before sitting in a chair next to me. I slowly nod,my neck still hurting. I groan and rub my neck,not daring to speak yet because if I do I know it'll hurt.

Time skip represented by my writers block tm

I wait for a little bit in the silence that filled the room until Martha clears her throat. "Lex?" I look over at her,listening to what she had to said. "Your father..told me that you and Jefferson were dating? Is that right?" I blush at him name and look down at my lap in an attempt to hide my face. I nod,ashamed. I should've told her. "Oh my goodness! How long?" I smile and look back up at her slowly,trying not to hurt my neck. I see a huge smile planted on her caramel face. I shrug and she looks at me,confused. "What do you meAn you don't knOw?" She asks. "A week? A year- a month-" I nod onc I hear week. I put up two on my fingers and cough up the word "week." Even though it was improper grammar she still understood. "That's amazing! You two are so cute," she gets cut off by a nurse walking in and checking the machines that were hooked up to my arms. I watch her as she smiles at me. "Feeling any better? Everything okay?" She asks in her obvious Filipino accent. I smile back and nod,she walks out after smiling to me and Martha. "So I thought you two hates eachother? What happened?" I roll my eyes at her questions and point to my neck,trying to indecate that it hurt. "Oh well then just tell me NECK time!" She jokes,making me laugh weakly. It hurt but I felt like she needed to know that she made me feel happy even though I fell out of a tree.

A little bit of Martha talking to me,getting no response most of the time,Washington comes back in the room. He gives me a smile,I return it and smile back widely. "So Alexander..what happened?" He asks. Martha looks at him. "He can't talk," he explains. "His throat hurts,right Alex?" I nod as a response. Washington sighs. "Well we need to know,Alexander what happened?" Washington asks again.
"I told you he can't talk-" I interrupted Martha.
"I fell.." I mutter,almost wincing as my throat hurt. They both look at me.
"Fell from what?" They ask in unison. I cough,clearing my throat. "A tree." I say,my throat feeling a bit better. They look at eachother,shock or confusion written in their faces. "I climbed it.." I whispered. "And the branch broke." George sighed and looked down at him. "You cang just do that,you have to be careful,son."
'I'm not your son.' I thought in my head. They both kept me company for a few hours until a doctor walked in. "We have some news." The doctor said after walking in the room. All of us looked at him intently. "Alexander has fractured his leg and broke his arm,ha might need those casts for a month or two." He informed us and walked out. I looked at Washingon and Martha sadly. "Oh Alexander,the hospital bill is going to be so expencive." Washington jokes to lighten up the mood.

Yo yo yo what's up my homesicles? I'm going to make another book called "February Face" if you wanna check that out anytime soon. Also remember to take your meds if you haven't yet. Drink some water and stretch your neck/legs out a bit. If you've been drawing for writing,stretch your wrists too. ❤✌ -Gabe

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