{13} hospital gospels 2.0

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"Thomas? Are you okay?" Mr. Washington asks

"Yes,I-I...Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"Can I date your son?"

Thomas's POV
Washington looked puzzled. "I guess? I mean aren't you two enemies?" I nodded.

"Well we were enemies." I stated. He looked me dead in the eyes. "Hurt him and I'll break you." He calmly stated. I nodded

"Wich hospital is he in?" I asked

Time skippy for you!
I drove up to (insert hospital name here) hospital and went up to the front desk. "Where is Alexander Hamilton?" I asked slightly panicked. She typed some things before answering. "Room 505. Go down that hall it's the 5th from last door." I nodded and walk to his door. I pass the light blue walls and I looked through the little window of room 505 and started sobbing. I leaned up against the door and started sobbing. Alex was hooked up to do many IV's. I did this to him. Too many IV's to count it was horrible. I started to curl up in a ball and sobbed my heart out.

I finally started to calm down and I opened the door to see Alex curled up in a ball,crying. I patted his back and shooshed him trying to calm him down. "Shhhh it's okay Alex." I said. He looked up at me and I have me an obviously fake smile. "I'm sorry. I didn't know...I didn't remember." I stated before letting gentle tears stream down my face. He cupped my face in his hands and looked at me. "You know that I'mma be the one that's there for you when you ain't got nobody." He paused and wiped some of my tears away. "Swear to god." He kissed me again and all of the memories came flooding in.

Alex crying.

Waking up in The hospital.

The pills.

The blade.

Getting the water ready.


Running out of a house.

John and Alex.

The party.

Our kiss.

Everything was playing backwards. I held Alex by the waist. I didn't want this to end. He pulled away and I smiled. "I love you." I told Alex. "Don't think other wise." He hugged me and started trembling in my arms. I held him tighter and squeezed him as hard as I could. I looked at our glowing chests.

"I l-love you too,Thomas."
Alex said after pulling away from me,his IV's still poking out of his arms I looked at all of the machines. His heart rate wasn't stable at all. "Alex,what did you do to yourself..." I asked at looked down at the floor and kneeled next to his bed.

Alex shrugged. "Pills,some I hadn't used or needed in months..." He admitted.
He started to cry softyly.

"Alex,I love you so much...you should've throw that stuff up." I stated. He nodded and looked at his wrists. I looked at him and took his hand and flipped it over to reveal dried blood and scars. "Alex..." I paused. "What did I do to you?..." I asked. He pulls his arm away and looked at me.

"Nothing my love...some of them are old. That was the old you,not now." He stated. I was shocked. How could I do this to him? I was just jealous of him and I showed my affection in odd ways. I just had to bully him! Why did I even to do that to him?

"I'm sorry." I let my face hit the matress and started sobbing. I took Alex's weak hands and started sobbing. He let go of them imediatly. I looked up and saw Lafayette,Herculese and John in the doorway.

I stood up as Herculese made his way twords me. "What the fuck did you do to Alex." I bent down to his height and looked him in the eyes. "Nothing!" I said with a roll of my eyes. Herc slapped me and walked to Alex. I just stood there shocked. I left the room and sat on the ground next to the door. I softly started singing.

"Remember the way you made me feel~" I felt tears stream down my face slowly and steadily. "Such a young love" it was hard reaching the ends especially that they were high notes. "Something made me knew that it was real,frozen in my head~ Pictures I'm living through for now-"

"ALEX STAY WITH US PLEASE!" I heard a thick accent say. I quickly got up and ran to a nearby nurse. "We need a doctor in room 505! Now!" The nurse nodded and ran to a doctor and that doctor got three other people and we ran to his room.

We got there and his heart rate was slow. Alex was pale and unconscious. Two doctors got square metal things and rubbed them together. "CLEAR!" One yelled. They pulled the machines away and pressed the squares on his chest. Alex's chest rose and he opened his eyes. They started to hook him up to many more IV's. One with water. One with blood. I started sobbing into my hands as Alex passed out again. They did the same rutine over and over again. He didn't wake up. It made his heart go to the needed speed,so they left him alone. I rushed to his side and kneeled down to him. "Please Alex! Stay with me! I love you...please!" Herculese looks at me in disbelief.

"If you loved him so much why'd you leave him like this?! What made you think he wasn't important! Oh for fucking fucks sake! If he was my soul mate I'd keep him forever and he'd be happy!" John yelled.

Lafayette and Herculese just looked at him amazed. I've never seen the little guy snap like that before. "You're right but it's also your fault that he's here rIGHT NOW!" I yell back.

He fills his eyes. "Yeah right! I didn't forget that I loved him! I didn't tease him and make his life living HELL! You did! Not me!" He yelled

"I didn't get drunk and make Alex cheat on me did I? No I didn't. You did."  I looked him in the eyes and leaned over and kissed Alex. "Also,I probably love Alex more than you. I liked him sence 8th grade and loved him ever sence highschool." I smiled at Laurens,probably, my new enemy.

Herculese and Lafayette started clapping,as quiet as possible. I looked over at Alex and sat in a chair next to him. "Thank you." He muttered and held my hand. He looks at me with drowsy eyes.

I let some tears fall from my eyes and sqeezed his hand. "Stay strong,love." I say before he falls back asleep.

Did anyone notice the blackbear reference I put in there? No? Okay.

Word count: ~1,138

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