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This is unedited so if there is any grammar or spelling errors leave me alone I'm tired.

Thomas played with Alex's hair while he was sleeping. Thomas hums a tune,accidentally waking his soulmate up. "Morning sleepy head." Thomas says and smiles wide. Alex smiles back and cuddles into his chest. "Sing to me." Alex basically commands Thomas to do so. Thomas smiles and looks down at the small male. "what song princess?"
Alex thought for a second. "How about you surprise me?" Thomas nods and thinks for a second. "Why do you want me to sing anyways?" Thomas asks.
Alex shrugs. "I'm tired and want to hear your voice." Alex wraps his arms around Thomas. Thomas chuckles.

"So my voice is boring now?!" He jokes and giggles. Alex chuckles and waits for Thomas to sing.

Thomas closes his eyes. "Breathe deep breathe clear know that I'm here know that I'm here~" Thomas chokes out,being slightly nervous. Alex looks up at him in awe. "Know that I'm here~" he repeats. "Waiting stay strong stay gold. You don't have to fear. Waiting...I see you soon I'll see you soon~" Thomas blushes out of embarrassment. "How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine? How could I live before? How could I have been so blind? You opened up my eyes~ You opened up my eyes~"

Thomas finishes the song and opens his eyes to look at Alex. Alex was wide-eyed in amazement. Alex wrapped all of his limbs around his boyfriend. "You're amazing Tommy!" Thomas smiles and tangles his fingers in Alexander's hair. "You don't know that already?", they
both laugh. "Hey how could you ever suspect it? The immigrant and Virginian fall in love and happen to be soulmates only to be described in one song?" Thomas closes his eyes and feels Hamilton take his hand. He flutters his eyes open again to see hamilton put it up to his face. He watches closely and sees Hamilton studying his hand. Hamilton traces over the marks of his hand and flips it over to his palm,tracing more things over. Hamilton puts his hand up to Thomas's. He looks back and fourth from the two,comparing and contrasting them.

After what it seemed like an hour of Alexander studying their hands and Thomas admiring his soulmate he stops and kisses it. Thomas smiles wide. "I love you, Alexander." Thomas says. Alex smiles back. "I love you more!" Alex exclaimes,getting up and putting clothes on. Thomas looks away while he does so,giving him privacy.

After Alex gets some clothes on Thomas gets changed too and looks for his sweat shirt. He sighs and walks out,seeing Alex going to get something to eat,wearing his sweatshirt. Alex opens the fridge but then looks over to Jefferson as he begins to talk. "First of all,go wash your hands before you eat." He pauses and Alex rolls his eyes. "Second of all,give me my sweatshirt." He said. Alex sighed and peeled the sweatshirt off,giving it to Thomas. Thomas puts it on and kisses Alexander's head. He looked in the fridge,seeing almost no food. "How about we go to the store?" Thomas asks,following with a chuckle. Alex chuckles with him. "How about jobs while we're at it?" He suggests. Thomas weakly chuckles. "Agreed!" They smile and try to make any food with what they still had.

Thomas looks in the cabinet. "I mean we have penut butter,chips,jam and squeeze cheese..." He looks over at Alex. "Why do we have that?" Thomas scrunches his face up. Alex laughs and continues liking in the fridge. "Because it lasts long!" Alex excuses himself while Thomas chuckles.

Thomas continues to look through the cabinets. "We have crackers?" Alex turns around to face Thomas. "Ooh! I have an idea!" Alex exclaims and gets penut butter,jam and a butter knife. He got a plastic one,sense they still haven't gotten silver were. "Give me the crackers!" Alex tells Thomas. Thomas hands him the box while he opens the jars. He takes a paper towel and places the crackers on it,making penut butter and jelly-jam crackers. Thomas watches as he puts the jam and penut butter on the crackers. "Um what is this?" He points to the food Alex is making. "Food,do you want to eat or not?" Alex snaps and waves him off.  Thomas raises his hands in defeat and backs up. Thomas sits down,slightly still turned on from a few minutes ago. He gets rid of the thoughts when Alex places the paper towel in front of Thomas. Alex goes to sit down but is quickly grabbed by Thomas,being placed in his lap. Thomas grins once Alex settles into hin,leaning into him. "I'm bored,Tommy." Alex whined. Thomas are a cracker and wrapped his arm around his waist. "We can't really do anything,Alex." He said after eating his cracker. Alex shrugs and eats one himself. Alex leans against Thomas and looks at the cieling. Thomas says most of the crackers,Alex only eating 2. Thomas leaves the last one for Alex. Alex grabs it,thinking Thomas would take it if he didn't. He got up and threw away the paper towel. Alex took Thomas's hand and threw on his sweatshirt. Alex Lee Thomas to the door,getting his shoes on and Thomas doing the same. They ran our of the door,Thomas following Alex and hearing sobbing down the hall. Alex didn't seem to notice but Thomas got kinda scared.

They slowed down when they got to a forest looking area. Alex walked into in and disappears into the trees. Thomas follows,trying to keep up. "How are you so fast?!" Thomas asks in between pants. Alex looks back a d points to a tree,climbing it up way faster than Thomas probably ever could.

They finally reached the top and sat on a branch,looking at eachother just admiring the view. No not the sun or the sky,just eachother. Thomas made the first move. He put his cheek in Alexander's cheek,leaning into their kiss. Alex leaned in too,their lips almost connecting until they heard a scream and felt the tree shake. Thomas's eyes widened as he fell from the tree,onto another fallen tree that was laying on the ground. His upper-back hit the tree,making a  loud cracking sound. Thomas cried out in pain,trying to look around. Thomas felt everything become heavy,including his eyelids. His vision went blurry and he saw soneone running next to him and screaming his name. Probably Alex but he could barley see.

Thomas woke up and sat straight up in a cold sweat. He looked around,frantically. He looked at Alex and out of their window. Alex was in the couch and They were in a studio house. Thomas rubbed his eyes and realised they weren't in the same bed. He stood up,basically running to Alex. He shook him awake. Alex fluttered his beautiful,yet tired,Coffey eyes open. "Thoma-"
"What happened?" Thomas asked
"What do you mean?" Alex said,rubbing his eyes.
"Were we just in the forest? Why are we in seperate beds? Who's house is this?" Thomas asked,basically asking himself and Alex. Alex smiled and kissed his forehead. "Probably just a dream,love. Calm down." Alex checked his phone,looking at the time. "Burr was in our dorm,passed out drunk with Theo so we stayed at Lafs."
"Why were they in our dorm?"
"Because I let them,and burr left his keys at his house." Alex replied. Thomas rubbed his head. "Probably just a dream." He said to himself,looking for the bathroom.

Word count:  1,276

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