{2} eye of the hurricane

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I blinked. Tears came faster than the pouring rain outside. Jefferson looked concerned more than confused now. He came closer to me "it's just a bit of rain Alexander!" He said sounding concerned but still had some bitterness in his voice. "I know, you idiot!" I said as tears came even faster. He scrunched his eyebrows. "What's your problem?!" I just ran to my bed and continued listening to paper hearts. The only thing that would calm me down. Slightly.

That was the only thing that could possibly make me happy besides being occupied with essays but I didn't have a subject to talk about. I've already written about the hurricane and my fear of pouring rain millions of times. Hurry hurry. Rush Rush Rush. Go! Go! Rain made me feel like. It was stressfull and I hated it. It reminded me of my mom,my village and Washington. He adopted me and helped me go on with my life,he gave me a better education than I thought was possible. I felt the bed dent on the other side. "Everything's gonna be ok Alex." He said rubbing my back. That just made me cry harder and I turned my music up all that I could and I could still hear myself cry. He took one of my ear buds out and listened. I could feel his body heat now. He was hovering over me. "This is pretty good,Alex." He said. I was still crying just not as hard. The rain was only a drizzle. "Alex what was that?" He asked. God why was he so cute? NO ALEX STOP IT! YOU HATE HIM. "I hate the rain." I stated. It wasn't fully true I hated water with a passion. It all most killed me and my mom. It killed my town and all that I knew and loved.

"That's not all it was,Alex." He said "Don't call me A-Alex." I said panting after heavily crying.
"Why?" He asked. It was mostly because only the people I cared about called me Alex but I didn't want to say that to his perfect face.
Alex stop said my left brain that oddly sounded like an Australian version of John

Tell him you care! Tell him to call you Alex! Go for it! Do not throw away your shot! Said my right brain. That part just sounded like me when I was 14

"Alex? Earth to Alexanderrrr~!" He said waving a hand in my face. I quckly snapped out and felt my face flush. "Wow I only said Earth to Alexander and i made you blush? I could do way more to you than just blush." He stated. My face turned red and he realized what he said his face was redder than the pits of hell. We sat in silence. I had to break it. I moved over and patted the bed next to me. He scootched slightly closer to me. I placed the pillow in a lying down position and grabbed my computer. "What are you doing?" Jefferson asked. "Putting on a show. What do you like?" I asked
"Bones,Rick and Morty and Dexter." He responded "Also how I Met Your mother."
"Bad boy films?" I teased and i could practically hear his eyes rolling and him grining.

Thomas POV
Alexander was undeniably hot. Even with bags under his eyes I wanted to kiss him and cuddle. He was just so "my type" I guess you could say. He made me think of my mom. Thank god not my dad he is an utter ass hole. I felt my chest heat up while Alex was getting a show on. I got up and started to walk to my room "I'm gonna go get a shirt" I told Alex and slammed my door shut. "Okay." Alex said back. I looked at my chest. It was glowing. Fuck. No no no no. He is not my soul mate. He can't be! Fate it's fate I guess but Alexander out of all people?! How? I put a shirt on to cover some of the glow and I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn so I didn't have to have my chest fully glowing in front of Alex. I felt my chest get colder and i didn't see a glow anymore. Fuck fuck fuck. Is he my soul mate? Well I beter get used to him if he is!
Alex's POV
While Thomas was getting a shirt on I paused the show. I was thinking about how we would always argue. Even about little things like how to properly use shampoo and conditioner or even why Coffey is better than tea. Hopefully we can be friends. He's a really cool person and he's super cute. Even though I still slightly hate him for always beating me up in highschool.

I heard the popping of popcorn and a ding on my phone. I picked it up and and it read
TMNT: hey Alex! I'm throwing a party wanna come?

Young,scrappy,hungry: no I'm kinda busy but maybe next time!

TMNT: ok! That's cool dude see you in classes tomorrow!

Young,scappy,hungry: bye!

John always threw parties. It didn't matter if it was monday or Friday,he would be sure to throw one. "Who ya' texting?" Asked Thomas. "None of your buis-" He wasn't trying to be rude. We were just being so cool to each other and i have to fuck it up. I sighed at myself probably looking like an idiot "Laurens." I answered. "Oh ok." He sat back down and put the popcorn in between us. We continued to watch How I Met your Mother. He leaned up against my shoulder and I stiffened up but quickly relaxed not wanting to fuck up again. I have to admit his hair felt really soft and I didn't mind if we just fell asleep like this.

I would honestly like it very much if we cuddled.


It's ok Alaxender feelings are things you can't just get rid of


Feelings can always change and if he hated you so much why are you guys cuddling?

My mooshy feelings side was wining and i was having an internal fight with myself. Wow how pathetic, Alexander.

I didn't want him to wake up so I carefully closed my laptop and put it on my night stand and i didn't even bother to turn the lights off. My chest started to heat up. I looked at it. Fuck. My chest lit up megenta. This couldn't be happening to me. This isn't real! He cannot be my soul mate! After I fought with myself a little more I drifted off to sleep

I wondered about Jefferson,his chest didn't light up


~1,148 word count

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