{8} knock

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Alex's POV
I was just typing away. Typing. Typing. Typing. That's really what most of my day consisted of. One thing I didn't tell Thomas was that,Sam the guy who was bullying,told me I was fat. They made fun of my figure many times but this time seemed to hurt me alot more. They didn't just say "fat" they called me "cow", chanted "moo" at me and at lunch dropped a bunch of left over food to me. Good thing all of my friends,that were here already,didn't have lunch or else fists would be thrown.

"You should rest." Thomas suddenly said. I didn't advert my eyes away from my screen. "Sleep is for the weak." I respond. He chuckles and walked into the kitchen.

I didn't feel hungry and I didn't feel like I deserved it. I felt like I didn't deserve to be alive. Words can hurt and when you bottle it all up its worse.

I started to wrap my homework up as Thomas slid a bowl of macaroni on the desk I was writing on. "I'm not hungry." I said,still typing

"Alex,I know you'll need it." Thomas said. He leaned against the wall next to me.

"Babe,I said I wasn't-" I was cut off by Thomas shoving a spoon full of mac and cheese in my mouth. I chewed with my mouth open to disgust him. I could practically hear him cringing

"Ew! Stop!" He said while looking away. I continued to chew open- mouthed.

I finished chewing and Thomas looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face. "Babe,hu?" He questioned. I didn't even notice I called him babe. I felt my face get very warm. He bent over to my level and got in my face. "Babe?" He asked. I looked him in the eyes and kisses his lips. He suddenly lost his grin and kissed me back. We closed our eyes. Thomas took my head in his hand and pushed me closer to him.

We split apart for air and I looked into his eyes as he played with my hair. Then someone called me and I answered it "Hello?" Pause. "Yeah one second." "I have to take this,Thomas." I said,moving the phone away from my mouth and going out of the door. I walked to the parking lot and had the rest of the conversation.

Thomas's POV
I sat back down on the couch after Alex left. Why did he just kiss me? I mean i understand that he's on edge,especially after Sam punching him but was this really the best time?

I was getting worried sence it had been almost 20 minutes since he left after that phone call.

Alex came in a little bit later and walked straight to his room just looking at the floor. I got up and knocked on his door. "Alex? You okay?" I heard a sniffle and he opened the door. He had red eyes and tear stained cheeks. I engulfed him with a hug. "Baby what happened?" I asked. He just sobed into my chest.

I carried him bridal style to his bed and snuggled up next to him. His phone dinged and Alex went to pick it up when I stopped him. "Alex,you're not doing well,please just lay down." I wouldn't force him or anything because I didn't want to seem clingy and I just didn't want him to be upset again.

We just lay there and I eventually fall asleep to his breathing pattern.

The next morning I woke up to his alarm. It read: 7:24. Fuck. I got up trying not to wake Hamilton up. I made coffey,got dressed in random clothes and did my normal morning routine.

I got two cups of Coffey and woke Alex up. He looked at me grogily. "Alex it's 7:30 get up!" I tell him. He pops out of bed and I throw clothes at him and walk out. He soon comes out and goes into the bathroom.

I wait for him by the door with his Coffey and a bagel. He comes out and grabs his bag then we walk to my car. I drive to campus and walk in making sure to hold Alex's hand in front of everybody. When we were holding hands almost everyone gave us dirty looks. Madison tripped Alex and I helped him back up so no one would make fun of him.

Time skip
I was in one of my classes as a paper for thrown at me. I picked up and opened it.

I feel horrible,Thomas.I'm sorry I acted like an ass...forgive me? Ha! Just kidding,you're still a fag! I hope you burn in hell with your cow for a boyfriend. Go cut yourself again you pathetic douche.

I can't get sad and give up now. I have Alex. He loves me. I love him. I have to stay strong for him.

I read the note again and his signature reminder me of his personality. Unnecessary and extra.

Tims skip
Alex had stuff to do after classes so he didn't drive with me.

I was sitting on the couch,catching up on home work until someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and saw police officers.

"Does family of Alexander Hamilton live here?"

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