{16} Pride Parade

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Laf's POV
After the incident with Thomas and Alex I picked Herc up after going to John's. He basically just told me...ah how you say? He has a Intérêt de l'amour (Love intrest) and that Intérêt de l'amour happens to be Monsieur Alexander. Me and Herc went to pride that day and Alex would be going too! (Thomas would refuse to go with Alex sence John had gone with too) I had forgoten where my pansexual shirt was but Herc came out of the bathroom with his crown and flag saying "PRIDE PANS". He made it himself,so he would be flaunting it. Alot. "Laf! Laffy Taffy!" He said as I looked over. "Yes amour?" (Love) I asked.

"Can you help me put my makeup on?!" He asked excitedly.
"Of course!" I stand up and walk in the bathroom with him. "Give me the Peintures de visage!" (Face paint) I say,grabbing the face paints not wanting to wait. Herc sat on the toilet as I take the little brush that comes with it and stroke it against his cheek. He smiles while I do so. "Amour! Sit striaght!" I say. He laughs at my statement. I realize what I said and face palm myself. "Je jure à dieu Hercules que ce n'était pas une blague! I won't do your makeup then!" (i swear to god hercules it wasn't a joke!) I exclaim. "Okay okay fine! But I can't understand your cute French." He said pecks me on the lips and taps my nose leaving a yellow dot. "Tu as de la chance d'être adorable." (You're lucky you're adorable.") I state and continue to do his makeup

After I'm done I take some white paint and make little dots on the mini flags,trying to make it looks glimmery, I made under his eyes. I put little sparkles on them. "Thanks babe." He says and kisses me on the cheek. "You're so good at makeup! how?" He asks me. I laugh and shrug "my sister." I say and he smiles.

We get our stuff packed and in the trunk. I sit in the drivers seat and start the car. "Hurry up Herc or I'm leaving without you!" I call out. We're going to pick up Alex and John so we were in a hurry. I'm pretty sure they made up but they still had tension between eachother.

Herc got in the passenger seat and put his seatbelt on,He knew how I was with that stuff. I kiss him on the cheek and started backing up out of our dorm parking lot. We drive to Alex's form first,seeing that it was closest.

He hopped in the back with his bisexual purple,pink and dark blue paint on his face and flag. "Hey guys!" He said. I laughed at his shirt. Smol,bisexual and angst. It said. He smiled and looked at his shirt. "Oh yeah!" He said as Herc started to laugh at it too. I started to drive after Alex got his seatbelt on.

We arrived at John's and I called him "YOU'RE VAT?!!" I screamed into the phone. "QU'EST-CE QUE LE INFIRMIÈRE VOUS SIGNIFIE "VOUS N'ÊTES PAS PRÊT?" (WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN "YOU'RE NOT READY YET?!) I yelled at him. "IF YOU'RE NOT OUT HERE IN CINQ (FIVE) MINUTES WERE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" I scolded at him. "Okay! I'm sorry I'll be ready in a minute!" He hung up. I rolled my eyes.

"What the-" Herc started to say.
"Don't ask." I said to him.
"John's not ready yet and he just basically scolded him. He better be ready or I'm kicking his ass." Alex stated. I nodded and herc chuckled.

John scrambled into the seat next to Alex with his rainbow shirt and rainbow flower crown. His make up was wounds bleeding rainbows. "Nice make up John! How'd you do it?" Alex asked.

"Well it was a tutorial on hamiltube-" I cut John off "WHY WEREN'T YOU READY?! I TOLD YOU WE WERE ABOUT TO BE THERE!" I yelled at him. He akwardly laughed and rubbed his neck. "Turns out make up is harder than I thought..." He answered awkwardly. He put his seatbelt on and we started to drive.

Time skip (at pride)

We finally found a parking lot and got out and started walking to our hotel. These events aren't just one day! We walked into the front door as a couple people with homophobic slurr signs stared at us and gave us looks. The front desk lady gives us our keys and before we walk off Alexander stops and looks at her. "Aren't you Eliza's girlfriend?" He asked. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah,by the way have fun at pride! I wanted to go but I have work." She explained. Alex smiles and waves while walking by the homophobic people. One of them trip him. "Fag." One spits out. It was Madison. "Oh hey ass hole." Alex spits back and walks away with us. "I would be surprised if he wasn't here." I told Alex. He nodded in agreement.

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