You hate her? Part 2

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"Family meeting!" Mom said.

"But Parker, you are staying at Wisconsin. You are not going to B.O.O.M.S anymore." Mom explained.

"What?! No! I'm missing the challenge! Me and Val worked too hard on the project!" Parker yelled.

"Here, Val gets me. She likes science. Like me." Parker said.

"Let Val go honey. There are more, and frankly, better girls than her." Mom said.

"But, he, cheated on me. So, since Val is his daughter, she.. I don't want her to hurt you Parker." Mom explained.

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"You seriously think I would do that to someone? That I would do that to Parker?" Val said. We all turned our heads. Val was standing there, her face tear stained.
"Val..." I said.
"I'm sorry Parker. Val was standing there the whole time." Ruby said walking up to me nervously.
"Mrs. Rooney, you thinking I would do that to anyone or even your son is beyond stereotypical. Just because my father did that to you, does not mean I would do that." Val said as new tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Val I--" mom said standing up as he fiddled with her fingers.
"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry my family ever caused you any pain." She said grabbing her textbook off the table as she walked towards the door.
"And I'm sorry I ever grew a liking to your son." She said crying as she ran out the door. I was determined to go after her. But Joey stopped me.
"Parker. Give her some space okay? Talk to her tomorrow." Joey said putting a light hand on my shoulder. I nodded the slightest bit and ran up to my room and slammed the door as hard as I could.

Maddie's POV:

"I should probably get going to my dorm." Diggie said getting up.
"Ok. Goodnight." I said as we hugged and he left. Willow left after.
"Well this has to be by far the worst family meeting ever." Joey said trying to lighten the mood. Ruby gave a slight smile. She should not have had to witness this.
"Auntie Karen, I... Mom, I'm going to bed." She said as she ran up the stairs and disappeared.
"Mom, why?" Me and Liv asked.
"Yeah. You broke my poor bros heart." Joey said joining in.
"Well I didn't notice she was there." Mom replied.
"Mom, Parker was right. You treated his first crush horribly while you supported all of us." I said.
"I did not want him to get hurt." Mom explained again to us.
"But mom! You hurt him AND Val." Joey said yawning.
"he just admit feelings for her mom. Like, it's so cute. Like so cute. Our little brothers first crush." Liv said laughing the slightest bit.
"Yeah I mean, I'm pretty sure while he gave you the whole speech bout how he likes her, that I saw Val's teary eyed face smile the slightest bit." I explained being very poetic yet indeed.
"Why how poetic" aunt Dina said.
"Why thank you my dear Aunt." I said laughing along with Joey and Liv. Dad was still on.
"Well I best get going. Good night Mad-dog Rooney, Liv, and Joey." Dad joked as we all said goodbye.
"It's late, I'm going to bed. Go check on Dr.P." Joey said getting up and
walking up the stairs.
"Yeah I'm going to crash for tonight." I said walking up the stairs. Liv followed. I changed into my basketball sleeping outfit. I lay there in bed thinking.
"Hey Madds, Ruby?" Liv asked turning her lamp on. I looked up.
"Yeah?" Me and Ruby said in unison.
"Do you wanna go check on Parker? See if he's okay?" She said getting up and putting her slippers on. We nodded and followed her to his room.
Ruby knocked.
"Who is it?" Joey asked in his cracked voice.
"Maddie" Joey opened the door and closed the door behind him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"We wanted to see if Parker was ok." Ruby explained. Joey looked at us three.
"He's not talking to anyone." Joey said opening the door and leading us in. There was my little bro, facing the wall and the blanket covering his body.
"Parker?" Liv began. He turned around. His face showed rage and madness.
"Yeah?" He said his face loosening.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"No. I hate mom." He said sitting up.
"We totally understand..." Liv said rubbing his arm.
"No we don't." Ruby said looking at Liv. I elbowed her in the side.
"Ow... I mean... We soooo understand. Right Joey?" She said rubbing her side.
"Yeah" he said. We heard a knock on the door. "WHO IS IT?" Joey yelled.
"Aunt Dina" She said. He opened the door.
"Hey Parker. How are you? I see that you have resulted to grieving and madness. Your aura is red." She said.
"Mom. Mom. Not now." Ruby said.
She nodded.
"Dinner is ready. You can come eat." She said leaving. We all looked at each other.
"Ok let's go." Liv said as we all walked to the door. Parker said stayed in bed. "Parker, buddy, don't you wanna eat?" Joey asked.
"Not if mom is going to be there." He said bitterly.
"Come on." We all urged him. He finally gave in and we walked to the dining table. This was going to be real interesting.

Karen's POV:

Well this was a very interesting family meeting. Dina went to call the kids for dinner. Parker sat next to Ruby. We dug into the chicken and salad and mashed potatoes.
"Parker can you pass the water?" I asked him. He didn't look up and did not.
"Parker?" I asked. He didn't. Liv passed it to me. I thanked her and took a sip.
" sooooo Parker, is there anything you'd like to say to mom?" Joey asked his brother.
"Yeah. Your the worst mom ever." He said not looking up.
"Wow. That was so unexpected." Liv laughed nervously as she twirled her hair.
"Parker Rooney is that anyway to speak to your mother?" I said. He was being rude to an adult. He didn't respond. A ding went off on his phone. He picked it up and typed back to whoever.
"Parker no texting during dinner." I said.
"Actually Aunt Karen that was never a rule." Ruby said. I looked at her shocked.
"Ruby!" Dina said.
"I'm sorry mom. She hurt my cousin." She shrugged. I was shocked.
"What is happening to this family?" I asked eating salad.
"You wanna know what's happening mom? You hurt me and Val. Not even the decency to apologize. Not to Val or ME. That is what's happening." Parker said harshly.
"Parker Rooney!" I said in shock.
"Mom mom. Let it go." Maddie said.
"How can I let it go if my son is speaking to me like I'm a stranger." Said picking up our plates.
"You are a stranger to me." He said putting his dish in the dishwasher and running up to his room. I was shocked.
"Welll" Ruby said walking to the steps.
"That was awkward." Joey, Maddie and Liv finished as they followed her. I stood there in shock.
"What is happening Dina?" I asked my younger sister.
"You hurt your youngest son very badly Karen." She explained as she walked up the steps.

It was not that bad....


Ok so you all are probably saying 'Why is Mrs. Rooney the bad guy in this story? Well, I had to add in a little drama. The next chapter is all on Val and Parker making up. I mean, they never fought in general, but Parker is apologizing for what his mom said.

And what happened to Val's girl cheating high school dad? Find out more in the next chapter!

Wow I sound like the Disney Channel promo or sneak peak clips voice overs. Haha!

Have a great day!
"Smile More!" -Roman Atwood
Happy MEMORIAL DAY!!!!! Celebrate and eat for me since I can't.


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