Rogue Robot

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Val's POV:

BOOOOOOOM!!!!!! ✴✴

We all look at each other for a split second and ran out to the testing chamber. The chemical was tipped over and the counter was on fire.
Parker and Asher ran and got both fire extinguishers and spray it on the fire. Now its just smoky in here. Then a crash.

Asher's POV:

We hear glass shatter. Val runs to the other connecting room. We follow.

The robot. Its GONE ROGUE!!!!!!!!!

"It probably wasn't such a good idea to make it life size right?" Val said nervously.

"YA THINK?!" I yell.

"Ok! Stop! The door is locked. Theres a vicious 7 foot robot in here. We have to stop it. " Parker said as we hid behind a wall.

We sighed deeply. Then the robot threw something.

"YOU PROGRAMMED IT TO THROW?!" Me and Parker yelled.

" said program it to be able to pour something. So I added a throwing ability for fun." She said. This time Parker was the one to groan.



Parker 's POV:

"Why is it so quiet?" I say. Val gets up and I grabbed her arm and pull her back down.
The last thing I want is for her to get hurt.

"Are you crazy? Youre going to get killed." I whisper/yell.

"I'll be fine. You and Asher said we have to destroy it. Challenge accepted." She said smiling. She peeked into the room. She walked in.

"Dude."asher says
"Care for her...go after her" he  said. I sigh and go after her.

"Um guys." She says.
"GUYS!!" She screamed. Me and Asher ran in.


Val was there gripping her knee. We ran to her.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Im fine. The robot is gone. It busted through the wall" she said motioning towards the big gaping hole in the wall.
"No, really?" Asher said sarcastically.

"Go after it. Both of you." She told us.

"We cant leave you here alone. You're injured." I say.

"Its just a hurt knee. Whats the worst that can happen?" She said slowly getting up.

"Uh.. robot." I say as she put her hand on my shoulder to steady herself.

"Go. NOW." She said. Me and Asher exchange glances. I grab a chair and Val sits down. She points to the hole.  I sigh in defeat. Our eyes lock for a moment. She smiles slightly. We go.

We follow the dents in the hallway.

"Care for her that much huh?"  asher said breaking the silence. I shrug. Another 15 minutes of silence. We followed more dents and more random pieces of items ripped from the destroyed testsing chambers.

"So how is it?" I asked. He looked at me confusingly.
"Living with a house full of girls?"

"Oh. I like it." He says. I stop  walking.

"You like living in a house full of girls?!" I ask. Wow. Never expected that.

"Yeah. My little sisters make me laugh like no one else. And my older sisters make the best food and desserts and take me and my little sisters to the most fun places" he says.

" dont want a girlfriend?" I say.

"Of course i want a girlfriend." He says.

"Just not Val. Shes yours."

"What are your sisters name? Are they all different?" I ask. Im really interested in his siblings.

"All different. Ashley is the youngest 6 years old. Skylar is 10. Maya is 19. Hailey is 25."
"No difference." I say.

"Skylar is the most different. Everyone else in the family has light blue green eyes. She has just blue eyes with light brown hints. Shes a model and sporty. We have brown hair. She has dirty blonde hair." He says.

"It kinda sounds like shes adopted." I say.

"Shes not. I was there when she was born. My dad says shes from his side of the family." He snaps. Overprotective brother. Got it.

"You can meet her on visiting day." He says. I nod.

The sound of gears turning make us stop dead in our tacks.

We turn around slowly...

and everything goes black.

Sorry for taking so long to update.

Do you guys want me to post pictures of what Asher and his sisters look like?

(Cuz i want to)

Have a great day! Be safe.


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