A month later means visiting time

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I pick up the suitcase and put it in the car trunk. July 4th weekend visiting. Means I can see Val again. I mean... my munch of a brother and sisters and Ruby. Another 5 hours in the car. Yay....

But at least Reggie is coming. That will make things a whole lot better considering the things that are going on between me and she-who-shall-remain-nameless.

Reggie's POV:

I'm only going with Parker because I want see Santa Luego (note: I checked online, does Ruby say Santa Luego or Sant Diego? Because I checked, and there is no place called Santa Luego that I saw) and because I want to see Val.Parker has to be lieing.  There is no way that he got a girl as pretty as Val. I mean I guess they're both nerds and are in love with science, but come on. Once she sees me in person, she'll see how awesome I am. And Parker was bluffing.

Ya see...'girlfriend' is such a strong word. I'd say... really good friends with Val. That's more like it right?

Parkers POV:

The struggle is real. Mom-  I mean she-who-shall-remain- nameless is trying to get me to play I Spy with her. Yeah right, I'd rather ask Joey to do my Science Project.


Never let him do it.

We arrive at Aunt Dina's place.

"Parker!" Liv says as she gives me a hug. A bone crushing hug from Maddie was not what I had in mind. Joey comes down and the hugs go all around again. Ruby does the same. We settle down and eat and get back to date on what everyone has been doing. I go out and show Reggie around town. I show him B.O. O. M. S and the Cove. On the way back, Reggie notices a certain girl walking.


Her hair is out like always with a cap backwards on her head. Her white jeans with little rips are matched with her usual black combat boots. And her dark red halfsleeve-shirt with the sleeveless jean jacket and headphones complete the outfit.

Reggie calls out her name but she doesnt hear.

"Come on dude. Lets go." He says motioning towards Val. I shrug and we walk towards her. Reggie taps her on the shoulder. She turns around.

"Parker? What are you doing here? I thought you left two months ago." She said.

"Visiting." I smile. She smiles back.

Reggie's POV:

I stand there watching them catch up. Okkk. Akward.

Parker's POV:

"Well this is Reggie. Remeber when we facetimed? " I say.

"Hi. I'm Val." She says as they shake hands.

"Hi"he says.

"Sooo. Hows you're summer been?" She asks.

"Well. Aside from being awesome at everything I do... avoiding your mom for two months when she lives with you in the same house is hard. But... its been good." I say putting my hands in my pocket. She gives a small laugh.

"Its nice to hear your laugh again." She smiles.

"AHEM." Reggie says.
"We should get going." He says. What the? He always likes staying out late.

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