#4 How you met

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It was a rainy day,you decided to go out and grab a Starbucks.You were scrolling through your twitter page to see that, Connor Ball uploaded a picture,as you were reading the caption you accidentally walked into someone.
You landed on your bum.

"Omg! I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."you heard a voice you have heard many time before .

"It's okay."you looked up to see your favourite person ever.

"Omg are you the real Connor Ball?"you questioned.

"Yes I'm guessing you like The Vamps then"he smiled
"Do you mean love?" You said while laughing.

"Ha yes,anyways what your name?"he asked casually.

"My name is Y/N" you said

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"he said

"Thank you."you say.

"Hey,can we swap phone numbers?."he asked.

"Of course"you said

You added your name to his contacts under "Y/N 💕" he done the same with you.

"Right I've got to get back with the boys,I'll text you later."He said smiling.

"Okay bye Connor"you say smiling to yourself.

You where walking you golden retriever,through the park,you saw a dark haired boy walk towards you.
He comes to you and says.

"Hey I love your dog.Can I stroke it?"he asked politely.

"Sure! her name is Lilly and my name is Y/N"you say

"Aw you have a lovely name .My name is Brad "he says

"Hello Brad"you say.

You and Brad were now standing in the park,talking about dogs and other animals,he was saying he had a dog called Jesy,he said he's had her for 7 years.he also showed a picture of her.

He suddenly asked you for your number,you agreed on it, you put your name down as "Y/N" and he put his down as "Dog Lover"you laughed at his name on in your phone.

"Hey I better get going and feed Jesy"I says

"Okay bye Brad."you halved shouted.


You where in a music shop,picking out a guitar for your friends birthday,you don't really know what you're looking at,as you don't play any instruments, except you can sing.

You where still looking at guitars,when all of a sudden someone,tapped you on your shoulder.

"Hey do you need any help?"you hear a male voice say.

"Erm yes please."you say calmly.

"Okay so what are you looking for?"he asks you.

"Erm, guitar for my friend."you say.

"Okay right we have one here."he says

"Okay thanks,erm not to be rude but can I have your number ." You say confused at yourself.

"Sure my name id James just to let you know."he says laughing at the end.

"My names Y/N"you say passing your phone to him.

You put your name in his phone and said thanks to him,you then decided to walk home with the guitar you brought for your friends birthday present.


You was walking towards the packed  supermarket know as Sainsbury's,You put your trolley key ring into the trolley.
You was now inside the busy supermarket I read,my shopping list and the first on it was '1 pack of fries' (Chips).You pushed and pushed the trolley for about five minutes now

"Omg where are the fries"You shouted to yourself.

"Hey do you want my fries as I've already got a packet" A male voices. shouted coming towards me.

"Erm sure I would love to oh and thanks by the way"You said confused.

"Aw no problem beautiful,what ya
name"he said to me which caused you to blush a little.

"oh my name is  Y/N.Whats  yours?.You asked him.

"My names Tristan but call me Tris for short I'm in a band called The Vamps"he said politely.

"Wait as in Tristan Evans"You halved shouted making him jump a little.

"Yep that's me, anyway can we swap numbers by any chance"he asked you.

"Sure" you said putting my number onto his phone naming myself 'Y/N.

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