Brad imagine

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A/n I'm going to take requests now,I'm not going to do smut 😂!
ndjkckcncjck -Angie


Angie's pov;
I've just walked through the front door which was painted white,I kicked my shoes off and hung my fluffy coat up,as we're in mid winter.
I smelt burning,I went in the living room to see if Brad was there,clearly he wasn't,I went into the kitchen to see what was going on,Brad was holding a tea towel standing there throwing it around making the smoke go everywhere.

"Brad! What's going on?"I say feeling confused.
"Angie? I thought you was meant to be back later."He said confused himself.
"I was but I came home early.But can you tell me what's going on first."I say coughing from all the smoke.
"Well i was cooking a romantic dinner but it seemed to fail as you can tell."Brad says pulling a frown.
"Aw Brad you didn't have too."I say cooing.
"But I wanted to though.Maybe we should watch a film,eat popcorn and cuddle."Brad mentions.
"Okay" I say.

I walked into the living room finding a film to watch,while Brad was sorting out the kitchen.I found our favourite film "The Women In Black' (AN:we've just finished watching that in English lol)
Me and Brad loved horrors.
"Angie?"I heard Brad shouting.
"Yes babe"I yelled back.
"Do you want some popcorn?"He asks
"Yes please babe."I say putting the film on.

Brad comes into the living passing me the bowl of popcorn and kisses me on the lips.We was now halfway (A/N;Bc I'm halfway there😂)through the film,my eyes started,to get heavier and more weaker by the second.Then I was in complete darkness.

Brads pov: (Surprise🎉)
Me and Angie,was watching the women in black as I decided to ruin the romantic dinner.I looked down to notice Angie,sleeping on my chest,her head was close to my heart.I watched her sleep,while stroking her hair,I kissed her lightly on the forehead,I decided to turn the film off,I then carried Angie to bed.

I didn't wake her up as she seemed really tried,I placed her in the bed,I tucked her in.I then stripped down to my boxers,I walked to my side of the bed.which was the Right side.I got under the quilt,cuddling up to Angie,kissing her cheek."GoodNight Angie" I whispered falling into a deep sleep myself.

A/N:Well that was long but seems very short.
-427 words...


(Dm me if you want a request,I'm not doing smut btw😂)

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