Your birthday surprise

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Y/F/N -Your Friends Name
Y/O/F/N- Your other friends name.

Whole band imagine:

Your 15

Your Pov:
It's your birthday, you're  now fifteen, 'happy birthday' you say to yourself as you woke up, remembering what day it is.
After you got washed and dressed for school,you was down stairs,you was praying that one of your presents was a The Vamps concert ticket,as they are your favourite band and they mean a lot to you. You received messages from your family and friends and you replied with a 'thank you' and 'see you soon xx'
You then opened all the presents,you received money,perfume,new clothes that you asked for and a gold necklace. You never received tickets to a concert, you were sad,but you didn't show it as it's your special day.
About twenty minutes later,you was on your way school,you decided to tweet The Vamps telling them it's your birthday. You was hoping during the day one of them would reply with a 'Happy Birthday'.

You entered your tutor/form room,everyone cheered with a 'happy birthday y/n' you thanked and hugged them. It was the best day so far.

- Time skip to Lunch -

It's officially lunch time, also know as the time where you can go on your phone. You opened up Twitter, forgetting that you tweeted this morning,your notifications blew up,you scrolled through them and saw that James and Connor tweeted 'Happy Birthday' you shouted with excitement
your group of friends stared at you as you jumped up and done a happy dance.
"Y/N what happened tell me" your best friend (enter name if you like) told you.

"Y/F/N James McVey and Connor Ball just tweeted me a happy birthday I'm not okay young child"  Your friend ,
laughed and congratulated you,she knows that they are from your favourite band and that Connor is your favourite.

"Omg y/n imagine when you've you birthday meal they will be there or when you go home" Your other friend said joing in the conversation.

"Y/O/F/N/ omg that won't happen but imagine it though I wouldn't be here and I would pass out" You laughed.

- A magical time skip to the birthday meal-

You've been home,got dressed into something pretty, re done your make up and now you're sat at a table in one of your favourite restaurants.
"Y/N I have one last surprise for you" You smiled hoping it wasn't the restaurant singing you happy birthday because that would be really awkward.

You took no notice that your mum and dad pulled out their phones and held them up, "Y/N is that someone from your school?" Your dad asked,you turned around and saw that your favourite band,The Vamps where walking over.
Your insides where burning with excitement,you had no if you should get up and say 'hello' or just sit and cry with happiness.

You insisted of getting up to greet them.
"Omg is it really you" You reply,making the boys laugh.
"It's us, the vamps" Brad replied with a wide smile.
"What are you doing here"You ask.
"We'll it's your birthday, and we're here to eat with you,take you out somewhere and give you something special" James says, filling your brain up with information.
"Omg really" You tell them.
"Yes really"Tris laughs.
"I can't believe it" You tell them smiling and quickly thank your parents,you also gave the boys a hug too.

"Anyways, can we sit"Con laughs,your insides where melting,you found Cons laugh the custest.
"Of course"You giggled.

After eating and singing the song that everyone knows,the boys ended up paying for your meal when you told them not to.
You messaged your friend telling them what's happening and that you can't deal with this.

You decided to go to the park,weird I know, but that's were you wanted to go as it's your favourite place when it's just you.
You and the boys, played random games and told eachother what bands and personalities you have.
Con and Brad pushed you on the swing, while James was pushing Tris on the other swing,you cried laughed over the jokes you told eachother.

After being on the swing forms long time,you told them how much you loved and adored them,they all thank you.

"Y/N we have something to give to you" Tristan says,your mum videoing.
"Oh god what's going on" You questioned.
"Nothing bad,well we hope"James laughs making you laugh.
"So Con is going to tell you" Brad says looking at Con which made you look.
"Y/N you're gonna see us and meet us in concert on May 25th at the O2 arena! Are you excited?" Con told you, shouting in excitement towards the end.

You started crying with happiness,
"Is that good or bad tears" Tris asked,you laughed, "Good tears"
The boys gave a group hug, "T-Thank you guys so much,I will never forget this birthday" You say still crying.

Later that night,you had to say goodbye to the boys and took some photos,which was on your edit/fan account and main account, everyone was happy for you.
You can't wait to meet the boys at the concert next year,you went to sleep with a big smile on your face.

A/N this is a weird,messed up yet confusing imagine I've written aha.
Anyways,have a good day.

- Rebecca / onmywayconnor.

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