James Imagine Part:2

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*A couple of months later*

Your pov:
I was in the studio with James and the rest of the boys,it was James's turn to go in the both and Connor came and sat next to me and took James's seat.
Me and Connor kept on talking when all of a sudden, I felt a kick in the stomach,I then realised it's mine and James's baby that's kicking.
I tell Connor to go and get James out of the vocal both,he comes back with a happy James,"James the baby is kicking"I say grinning.
"Omg y/n that's amazing babe can I feel"He says with a smile growing from ear to ear.
"Of course babe it is your child too"I said laughing at the end.

James hovers his hand over my stomach then puts his hand over the kicking spot.
"Omg! Baby this is amazing"James shouts.
"I know right I can't wait to have him or her."I say.
"Same babe same."He says.
"I love you James."I say.
"I love you more princess."
"James would I be upgrading to the queen if we have a girl."I ask.
"Yep and I will be your king if we have a little boy."He replies.

Connor,Brad and Tris come over and take a picture of James's hand over your swollen stomachs that holds your unborn child.

A/N:I'm back again....I mean I wasn't gone for long lol.
Yes this is a part 2 of Pregnant with James's baby.Also,I know this is very very short.

-Rebecca 💙

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