Connor Imagine

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Hey it's me,I nearly forgot about this book.Ive been sucked into exams and Bronnor books 😂🙊.

*In the dream*
"I'm so sorry Y/N but I don't love you any more,there no spark left in me,like when I kiss you,I feel nothing"Connor says.

"But what have I done though,we've been through everything together,like cutting and hate."you say.

"And that's probably why, I have no spark left and I'm getting hate."Connor Yells.

"Well I'm sorry that I was bullied when I was younger"You shouted.

"Right that's it's Y/N I'm going."He says while walkout the front door."

"Connor no no no noooo"You yelled

You ran up stairs to you queen sized bed.You screamed and threw things around the room.
" why have I got to be like this."You whisper to yourself.

*End of dream*

Connor's POV:
I wake up to Y/n screaming and kicking me,I rolled over to see what time it is "2:39am"it read.

"Connor no no no noooo."I heard Y/n scream.

I try nudging her,but it didn't work,I kept trying it and if finally worked.

My eyes fluttered open to see Connor smiling at me.I sat up and cried for a minute.

"Hey babe why were you crying."Connor asked.

"I-I had a night-nightmare"You say while crying.

"What was it about."He says while pulling you into his hard chest.

"That you left me,because of the hate and that you didn't feel a spark when you kissed me anymore."You say calming down.

"But Y/n you should know that I will never ever,leave your side until we die."He says.

"I know.But what if it's true though,what about if you do leave me because of hate."You say.

"But baby I won't."He says

"I love you Connor."You say kissing him on the cheek.

"And I love you too.Lets go back to sleep and forget about this."He says while pulling you back down to sleep.

You lay your head on Connor's chest,he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear.You finally felt your eyes drop,you then finally went into a big,deep sleep.

Well I hope you enjoyed that,comment if you want more of these imagines and more Preferences. 😀

Remember that people love you❤️

Goodbye Rebecca😄

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