#6 He Helps you with your fear

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Fear:The Dark

You and Connor was sitting on the sofa,it has been raining and thundering all night.You and Connor was watching a recorded episode of EastEnders,when all of a sudden the power went out.
You were so scared of the dark you hugged Connor so tight,that he said "Y/N your strangling me."
You let go a little bit but still hang on.

"Connor I'm scared."You said on the bridge of tears.

"Hey it's going to be alright Y/N don't worry okay."He said trying to calm you.

You were now crying and Connor was hugging you.
"I think we should go to bed."He said
"O-Okay."You say.


You and Brads family,were on a boat,you where fine on boats but not swimming.Brad was in the water begging you to come in the sea,he knew you was afraid of swimming.

"Y/N you can hold onto me."Brad said.

"But you know I can't swim."You say.

"But I can help you though."He says.

"Fine only for this time."You say

You climbed down the ladders that go into the water,Brad was by the ladder so you can,hold onto him.You wrapped you arms and legs around his body,he swam around with you on is back.


James was taking you to the London Eye,you still haven't told James about your fear of heights.
You were now officially on the London eye,butterflies formed inside you as you were pretty nervous.
You were now at the top of the London eye,you didn't want to look down but you mind said "Yes" so you looked down with James by the window,
You looked down,fear hit you,you sat on the bench,in a ball crying.

James turned around to see you crying.

"Hey Y/N why are you crying?"he ask as he walks towards you.

"James I-I'm sca-scared o-o-of hei-heights" You shuttered.

"Omg Y/N why didn't you tell me"James says

"Because I didn't want to upset you"you say calming down.

"But if I knew about it,we wouldn't be here right now"he says

The ride stops and you go home after what happened,on earlier.


Today you had to get a jab,you really hate needles so much,that whenever,you see one you always break- down crying.

You were with Tristan,inside the doctors room,the needle was getting closer to you,you were trying to not cry,as Tristan doesn't now about your fear of needles.

The needle went into,you started crying,Tristan hugged you from the side and said.

"Hey don't cry baby"
"I don't like needles Tris"you say still crying.
"Y/N you should have told me"he says
"I'm sorry"you say back
"Don't be sorry Y/N,it's a common thing"he says still hugging you.

You then went home.

Hello it's me,it took me ages to think about this chapter.
I hope you have a great day❤️
Rebecca ❤️❤️

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