#12 You Send A Text To The Wrong Person:

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The Vamps altogether😀

You:Hey Babe I really miss youuu xxx
Connor:Erm this is the bassist Connor,I'm not Brad Y/n 😂
You:Oh sorry bye Con

You:I miss you baby ❤️
Brad:"Y/n you got the wrong person but I miss you too!😂
You:Oh Shut up Simpson

You:Babe please come home I miss you when you're on tour❤️😭
Tristan:Awh!poor you y/n Connie will be back soon.Wrong person.😂😊
You:I'm so sorry tris

You:Hey! When are you going to finish tour,I'm sitting on the floor crying bc I need you to hug😭💙
James:Erm wrong person,I'm James not Tristan bye x
You:Oh bye 👋🏻

A/n:It's 23:54 (11:54pm)and I'm writing this😂
I'm sorry these are so short it's bc it's really late 😂❤️


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