First 'I Love You' Connor💙

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A/N:It's currently 4:16 AM (UK time)
and I've got to wake up in 2 hours.
Its my last school day,and my last day of being in Year 8😂💞.

Y/n Pov:
Connor took you to a beautiful lake,with trees around it,the smell of the cold breeze as its night time.
You'd been out by the lake since 8:30pm and it's currently 11:45pm,it started to get cold,you started shivering because of how cold it is.
Connor noticed you shivering so he looked at you and said.
"Babe do you want to borrow my jumper"
"But you will get cold though"you said still shivering.
"Not if you give me cuddles"He laughed
"Okay then"you answer.
If takes of his jumper and passes it to you,you then slip it on,Connor came over and hugged you.
"I Love You y/n"he whispers.
"I Love You too Connor"You say kissing him on the lips.

Sorry it's so Shots but I'm too tired 😂💞

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