Connor imagine 😊

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You're on your Period:

You twisted and turned in your bed trying to not wake up your boyfriend Connor,you went to the toilet and you noticed you're on your period "Lovely"you whisper a bit enoyed,after you put your pad on and changed your knickers,you went back to bed,Connor was sat up against the head rest.
"Erm y/n I know you're on your period,because you accidentally got blood on the sheets,but don't worry it's okay"Connor says with his morning voice.
"But Connor it's not though I don't want to be sleeping in my own blood"You say.
"Y/n your going to have a shower in the morning anyways,while I'm out getting some bits for you."He says while you are getting into bed.
"Okay Connor"you reply.

You rest you head on Connors chest,he stroking your hair until you fall asleep.


You woke up again with still blood on the bed sheets,but this time Connor was gone.You went to have a nice warm shower,not long after you came out of your warm shower,you got dressed well got back into your pjs as Connor said you were both having a movie marathon with sweets and chocolate also,some ice cream.

He came back from the shops,"Good morning y/n"he says "morning babe"you reply back.
You was both watching Lord of the Rings,you ended up asleep on Connor again after eating too much sweets.

You woke up again with a blanket on you but Connor has gone,you sat up looking at the TV,when a of a sudden Connor came in with a cup of hot chocolate as it's November.
"How are you babe"Connor said
"A little bit better"you say taking the mug out of his hands.
"No problem.Do you want any dinner?"He asked you.
"Yes please but can we get Dominoes"
"Yeah sure let me go order it".

About an hour later you and Connor was eating pizza while watching a Disney film called the Lion King.
You fell back to sleep in Connors arm again.

Sorry that this is short,I tried my best to do this.
I got 500+ on my edit account on ig (about the vamps @fiftyshadesofconnor)

The album is out this Friday Whoooo!!


Word count-398 

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