Brad Imagine:He falls down the stairs

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Y/N Pov:

"Good morning mother greetings"you screamed.

"Well good morning to you too"You hear Brad say.

"Oh erm good morning Brad"you whisper from embarrassment.

"I'm going down stairs to make coffee and toast"Brad says.

"Can you make me a coffeeeeeeee"
You say extending the e.

Brad walks about the door,you get up and start to get ready for the day.
'BANG!' You follow the noise,you ended up at the stairs,you looked down to see Brad laying at the bottom of them.

"HA OMG BRAD."You say laughing.

"Hey it's not funny Y/N! I think I've broken my finger"He says looking at you.

"Okay okay I'm coming."you say running down the stairs.

"Where dose it hurt"you say calming down.

"This finger"he says pointing to his middle finger.

"Can I see it?"You ask.

"Okay"he replies.

*He points his middle finger in you face*

"Ha that's what you get for laughing at me."He says while laughing

"So your finger doesn't it hurt then?"you ask.

"Nope"He says calming down from laughing.

"Okay okay you win you big baby"You say giggling.

"But I'm going to make coffee now,and get chaged."He said.

"Okay"you say kissing his olive skin.

You run back up stairs,and finish getting ready.

I'm sorry that was shortish,but I kinda laughed while writing this imagine.
I can imagine brad falling down the stairs tbh😂.

Also,I'm sorry I didn't update a couple of days (Deyes) ago.


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