#20 your child has a crush on another member.

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Connor: (Age 3)

"Daddy! Please can we go see James."
"Lilly I think he's had enough of seeing us this week"I said to my daughter.
"Pleaseeeee"Lilly said dragging the e
"Why?"I say.
" because I want to tell him something"She replying putting her shoes on.
"Okay fine come on let's go."I say.

(James house)

We were watching TV when all of a sudden Lilly said "James can I tell you something" "Sure"James says.
I was really confused on what she was going to say.
"Okay James,I have a crush on you.So please can you be my boyfriend?"She replies."Okay let's go watch Frozen then."James says taking her hand.
"Hey James,if you hurt my daughter your going to get it."I said laughing.
"Okay Connor".

Brad: (Age 2)
"Daddy can I tell you something?Emma says.
"Sure"I reply
"Well..."she says getting nervous
"Hey it's alright c'mon tell me or the monster will come and get you ."I say making her smile.
"Well I have a crush on Tristan"she says.
"Does he know Emma?"I asked her
"Erm...No he don't daddy.But please don't tell him."She says.
"Okay I promise I will not tell him."I say making a pinky promise.

James: (Age 4)

Me,Grace and the boys were in the studio,we where taking about our wife's as they were away on holiday together.
When all of a sudden Grace shouted "Brad can I be your girlfriend" we all burst out laughing, "Hey it's not funny"Grace says. "Okay I will be your wonderful boyfriend"Brad says while Grace runs up to him,with us boys still laughing.
"Brad be care with Grace please don't hurt my little princess.Also,she's going to sleep round every Thursday."I say laughing towards the end.
"Okay James gosh calm your horse"Brad replies giggling with Grace at his knees.

Tristan: (age 5)
Rebecca's pov:
I was on daddy's phone,I went to messages and went to text my crush which was also,Connor and also my dads best friend.
"Ello it's Rebecca on daddy's phone"I messaged.
"Oh hey Rebecca does your daddy know about you on his phone"he replied back.
"Yes.Also,Connor I need to tell you something"I message.
"Okay go on monkey"he says using my nickname he gave me since I was born.
"I love you Connor 💙"I message him with a blue heart.
"Okay I love you too.Do you want to be my girlfriend?"He asked.
"Yesss x" I replied.

Daddy came into the room.
"Rebecca what are you doing?"He asked firmly.
"I'm messaging Connor"I say.
Daddy then takes the phone and see what I texted.
He messaged Connors saying,
"Hey! Connor it's me Tris not ur little monkey/Girlfriend😂.Please don't hurt her,you're also,her first boyfriend,so if u brake her heart I will brake ur spine in 2 xx Love Tris😂" he says adding these things called emojis.

A/N:These are very short,I'm sorry about that💙
Who else is counting down the days till the album comes out?😂🙌🏻
-Rebecca 😝

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