James imagine

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Going to the gym together:

Your pov:
It was currently 6:30 am,you had just woken up,your boyfriend James wanted you to go to the gym with him today,so you woke up early so you could make yourself some breakfast.
While making your scramble egg,you felt a warm pair of arms wrap around your waist,"Good morning baby" James smoothly said into your ear,"good morning handsome" you say turning around so you can kiss him quickly.
After you are you scrambled egg and James had his protein shake,you both started to get ready.
You both met eachother in the car,the gym wasn't to far from your house,but because you where half alseep,James decided to drive you both.

You and James arrived at the gym,James went and done some weights while you went on the treadmill to wake you up,after about twenty minutes on the treadmill,you done some light weights,you saw James staring at you mouthing "You look hot",you winked back in response then him laughing at you reply.
You and James sent over an hour in the gym,to the sun started to rise,you quickly filled up your water bottle then decide that you and James should head home.

"James I think we should go,we've been in here for ages"You whine,trying to get him of the treadmill."Ok,ok fine let's get going then princess"
"Thank you king"You stay giving him a quick peck on the lips,sweat dripping down his forehead,shirt soak too.

Once you finish arrived home,you both had a shower and had a lazy day by watching you of your favourite films.

Sorry that was kinda short :)

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