The boys make fun of you (James)

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Y/N Pov:
James decided to invite the boys around,and have a campfire.
It was getting late,you and the boys sat around your fire pit,in the garden you and James share,roasting big,fluffy marshmallows.
You picked up your guitar,and started to play some cords.

"Oh go on then,play us a song"You bear Brad say with his mouth full,which you laugh at.

The boys have never heard your singing voice,not even your own boyfriend James.

You started to play the cords for Risk It All which is a song written by the boys.

"You just know,sometimes you feel it in your bones" you start to sing,looking at the fire that's in front it you.
You start to hear little muffles of sniggering ,but you continued to carry on.

"Though we've heard that hearts can still beat long"
You continue,you stopped playing your guitar (which James let you have as your one broke),when you looked up and saw everyone laughing,you notice that James wasn't there anymore.
"E-Erm where is James?"You ask them,totally being ignored by the others,you find yourself walking into your house,and to find that James was on the couch.

"J-James?" You stutter,"Yes babe?"
"Why are the others laughing at me?"You tell him,"Apparently you've a terrible singing voice,which in my opinion you don't"He says walking over to you,"Awe babe"you saying hugging your boyfriend of 5 years.

You see James walk outside again and see him talking to the boys,you also walk about out,"Sorry y/n" all the boys say as you walk back to your chair,"It's okay guys,I'm used to it"You tell them.
"It doesn't mean we can laugh though."Connor says adding in.

Later on the It's went home and you and James went to bed and talked about how fun the evening was.

Hey there! Sorry this one is a bit short.

-Rebecca x

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