Saying GoodBye At The Airport Tristan

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Today was the day,that your boyfriend Tristan was going on tour for 2 months.
Tristan woke you up,saying "baby I need to go to the airport now" you woke up.
You sadly couldn't take him to the airport as you had work,you jumped out of bed and walked in front of Tristan down the stairs,Tristan waited by the door while you put your shoes on to stand outside as tris was getting a taxi to the airport.
"Beep beep!" You heard the taxi horn go,you went up to Tristan,you kissed him a couple of times.You hugged him for a couple of minutes (which seemed like 0.1 seconds).
You had salty tears run down you pale,but rosey cheeks.
It was a sad time whenever Tris left for tour,whenever he went you always hanged out with your friends,watched film,cry over hate from the fans(which Tristan doesn't know about shhh).

"Goodbye babe I will miss you so much I will text,call and FaceTime you everyday and I promise that.Be safe babe."Tristan said.

"Okay I will miss you to,I mean I already miss you but be safe,don't get lossed,I love you so much bye babe"You said giving him a quick hug and kiss before he went into the taxi.

The taxi drove off with a sad tris in the back waving.
"I'm gonna miss you Trissy boi"you said to yourself.

The end (lmao)

So I tried,sorry if this is messed up or if there's any spelling mistakes OR if the whole imagine doesn't make any sense at all....

Sorry it's so short.

I'm gonna do the others is well so don't u worry my unicorns 😂💙
-Rebecca 👑🔚

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