Connor imagine

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He takes you to the beach:

Your pov:
Today is the day you and your boyfriend are going to the beach and spend the day with eachother,the night before you packed some snacks for the journey,as it's about a
30 mintue drive from your house.
It's been an hour since you both have woken up,and got dressed.

"Are you ready to go?"Connor asked you while holding his rucksack.
"Yep! Have we got everything?"You smiled back,waiting for a voice.
"I hope so"he laughs, you giggle in reply.
"Bye Rex" Con says while locking the front door,you laugh at his weirdness.
You both placed your bags in the car,you sat on the passenger side (obviously).
Con started the engine,the loud music blasted through the speakers,making you both jump,
"Jeez Connor,how loud do you have this" You say your hand still over your heart.
"Loud so I don't have to hear my pain"
"Connor" You say.
"Fine, sorry".
Con pulled out of the drive way and the sped of down the road.

"Pretty please can we put Wake Up cd on?"You ask,giving the puppy eyes even though he couldn't really see them.
"Sure"He laughs.

Once you put the cd into the cd player Wake Up started playing,"I WAS ALWAYS IN FRONT OF YOU"You both yell.
It got to Cons solo,he was so embarrassed about his singing,he turned it off.
"Hey I was listening to that"You pouted.
"Well erm,I don't like my singing"
"Babe your voice is amazing" You say rubbing his thigh.

~30 minutes later~

After the drive you finally arrived at your destination,the beach. You both setted out your bath towels and what not.
"Babe,I'm going into the sea*You say taking your clothes off as you had your bikini on underneath,you noticed that Connor couldn't stop looking.
"Take a picture it will last longer"You laughed as you watched his face turn red.
You walked across the sand and pebbles,to get to the sea,the cold water hit your bare legs,"Ahh that's cold" you said to yourself.

You walked in further,you turned around and noticed Con was also walk down. You done a little wave to him,he noticed and laughed.

"Is it cold?"Your boyfriend asks,
"Well if you walk in you will find out" he just giggled at your reply.
You watch his face as he walks in "Ew omg that's freezing y/n" He yells covering his mouth as he remembers that there are other people on the beach.,you laughed at his reaction.
"It's warm when you get in"You tell him.
He walks over to you,picks you up,spins and dunks you into the water,"Mine turn now" You said pushing him over.

About 20 mintues later,you were both sat on your towels,drying off in the sun, "babe can you out some sun cream on my back please" Con says holding the bottle of suncream,"sure" he gave you the bottle and turned around,one you rubbed the cream in,he done yours and then you both did the rest of your body.

You packed all your stuff and put it in the car,on the way back from the car you spotted an ice cream van.
"Omg! omg Connor babe can we get some ice-cream" you begged him with your cute puppy eyes.Your boyfriend looked at you and laughed,"Of course c'mon then"He said pulling your arm towards the van.

"What flavor do you want"Con said.
"Erm can I have bubblegum please"
You got handed your ice-cream,and thanked Connor.

You walked away to find a bench,which you did.
After sitting down for five minutes you got a little bit bored while eating your ice-cream,you wiped your finger in the ice-cream and when Con wasn't looking,you booped him on the nose.
"Hey want was that for?"He giggles and you laugh at how stupid he looks.
"I was bored"

~A couple of hours later and you are both in bed at home~

"Thank you for a good day prince"You said snuggling into Connor's side.
"No problem princess,I couldn't make it fun without you"Con said kissing the too of your head

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this imagine,I think this is my favourite one yet.

-Rebecca. X

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